Wednesday, February 7, 2007


Today is Wednesday--the middle of the week. For me, it is a day I look forward to since it is choir practice. As long as I can remember music has been a part of my life. I learned to play the saxophone and took piano lesssons when I was in high school. I took voice lessons and sang solos in almost every church that we attended. I learned to play the flute when I was in my 40's . My children were involved in band and I attended recitals and did what I could to help out. I have helped to document and organize music for my church. Yes, music has been very much a part of my life.

I realize that there are all kinds of music in our world. There is soft rock, hard rock, rhythm and blues, rap, jazz and opera. And many people do like some of this music. That does not necessarily mean that all types of music are bad. My husband likes opera and while I can listen to it for a while, after a song or two I want to listen to something else. For me, opera doesn’t help to relax me. I think everyone should be able to have their own preferences but I do think the music that you listen to should be songs that edify your relationship to Christ and that speak to you in some way. I like country music but it is the beat of the music that I like. One church that we attended had Southern gospel music and the beat is similar to country. If I had to choose, the words in Southern gospel music focus more on Christ rather than the typical country music. Many recording artists are now adding some type of Christian music to their repertoire. Alan Jackson recently recorded a gospel CD and Carrie Underwood’s latest hit “Jesus Take the Wheel” are just a couple of artists who have given God credit for being a part of their life.

Music brings a different perspective to my life. The words of favorite hymns and praise and worship songs help me to better see how others express their ideas of God and his many attributes. These are the songs that I grew up with and that for the most part I can sing without even looking at the words. I love Christian and praise and worship songs, classical, and instrumental music from some movie soundtracks. Music can lift up my spirit or soothe my inner spirit with peace as I listen to the melody and words. The words of favorite hymns and praise and worship songs help me to better see how others express their ideas of God and his many attributes. This multifaceted face of music is also mentioned several times in the Bible. All sorts of musical instruments--the flute, lyre, cymbals, tambourine, harp, horn and trumpet and stringed instruments are mentioned, especially in the Old Testament.

But where does the real music really come from? The music and harmony come from the Lord who helps us along our journey in life. Life can be really hard at times yet if the Lord gives you a song in your heart, you can work your way through almost anything if you will let Him fill your inner soul with music. The day may be cloudy or rainy or covered with ice and snow yet there should be some type of song in your heart. You may not know the words but the Bible tells us in Proverbs 15:13a that "a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance". Others may not understand exactly what is going on in our lives but if we allow our heart to sing with the praises of God others will see His glow on your face and know that something is giving us inner strength. That can open a door to share the gospel and let others know that God loves them too.

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