Things look differently just before daylight. I have always loved being outside and I enjoy watching the way the day unfolds. It only takes a few minutes, to appreciate the beauty of the day, even if it is raining. From the scattering of dew drops on the blades of grass to the splendor of the sun rising in the sky there is something to behold. The clouds floating in the sky and the birds gracefully making their flight add to the picture. Flowers in the yard, the green colors of the trees and grass, and even the smell of the air after a rain are all part of our Maker’s natural world that He has prepared for our enjoyment.
From an artist’s perspective the colors can be breathtaking. Various shades of blue blend into the sky, yellow and orange colors spread across the sky as the sun rises, and shades of white and beige clouds add to the beauty of the scene. The colors become more vibrant or muted and the painting changes as the minutes become hours. The green hues of the grass and trees can be shaded in, black and gray hues become the colors of birds in the sky, and the arched pattern of a rainbow adds a multitude of colors to the artwork.
As the day comes to a close, a completely new picture unfolds. As the sun sets in the evening hues of yellow, orange and pink stream into rays that mark the end of daylight. Stars shine out in the sky and the white colors of the planets spinning in the universe become part of a whole new canvas. The moon takes its place in the universe casting light on the ground. Fog may settle like a soft blanket on the surface of the ground. The various hues of blue change into darker colors and maybe even appear black. Shades of gray fill in the shadows.
In Genesis Chapter 1, God made everything and His creation is far superior to anything that man could paint or every attempt to create. In Psalms 19:1 we are reminded that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork.” God planned each part of our world and “He has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). His greatest creation is man. We are made in the image of God and He seeks to paint a beautiful picture of each one of us.
We all need to be reminded from time to time that God is the master painter and He is the One who is fashioning our life. Yes, things are not always easy and the colors may become splotched or streaked. Life may become chaotic and pain and suffering can try to choke the life out of each one of us. Does God put down the paintbrush and run away? No. He continues to gently brush the colors into a pleasing pattern that will make our life beautiful for Him. Several years ago I heard a young couple sing a song about God. He was the artist and our lives were the canvas on which He painted. The song reminds each of us that when we take the brush away from God the canvas becomes ruined since we can’t make the strokes as well as God. When we give the brush back to God and let Him paint our life with His colors, the canvas becomes a new work of art and lets the beauty of our life come alive. I have never forgotten that song since I felt that it accurately portrayed what I had experienced in life. My attempt to do things my own way always failed and not until I gave my life back to God did I have peace.
When life gets hard, I take a few moments to look at God’s world through His eyes. It may take me a while to get relaxed but if I stand still and look at nature I can usually keep things in perspective. Then I will usually lift my eyes to heaven and ask God for help. When I stop struggling with my problem and turn it over to Him, then the result is something that I never expected. After all, God is the Master who created the world and has put me here for a purpose. Each day He adds a few more brushstrokes to my canvas and molds me to be more like Him. Who else but God can give me the direction I need and paint my portrait to be just like Him?
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