Monday, February 5, 2007


This praise and worship song has been going through my mind. "He is able, more than able to accomplish what concerns me today. He is able, more than able to handle anything that comes my way. He is able, more than able to do much more than I could ever dream. He is able, more than able to make me what He wants me to be." Hebrews 2:13 tells us "I will put my trust in Him". In 2 Timothy 2:12 Paul writes "For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day". God wants us to praise Him and He will be with us throughout life.

There are times in everyone's life when trials and testings come into your life. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and not be certain which direction to go next. The words of this praise song really shows the way in which God handles those trying moments. He can take care of all my worries and concerns--I don't have to shoulder the responsibility for all that has happened. Sure, I may be have to admit that I made a mistake, but God's forgiveness is there to give me comfort and to help me realize that there are larger issues than the ones I see.

Too often in our life we try to hard to handle everything that comes along our way. We are human beings with physical and mental limits and our body and mind needs to come away from the problems of everyday living and rest and trust in God. More than once I have faced a problem that I just couldn't see the good that could come out of it. But through the testing I found that God strengthened my faith in Him. He has a plan that is greater than ours--we just need to give our problems, concerns, and fears over to Him. He will handle eveything. Eventually we may see the good that comes from our daily life and will grow closer to Him.

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