Today I went outside to work in the yard. It has been nice for the last few days and I always promised myself that I would get outside and start on my work for spring. Each day that I made that promise, I didn’t follow through. Instead I stayed inside and worked on the laundry or did errands that needed to be finished. I realize that some of you are still covered with a blanket of snow or a layer of ice over the trees and branches but here the temperatures have been in the 60’s and 70’s. Later on in the summer we will boast of temperatures in the high 90’s and possibly into the 100’s. But for now we have the perfect spring weather. It’s a time for watching everything begin to bud and blossom. God will take his paintbrush and fill it with color—color that will cover almost every imaginable hue and shade.
Since spring is just around the corner, I decided to finally keep my promise. I headed into the back yard to move some zebra grass that had overgrown its boundaries. I loved the green and white colored blades and it was a nice way to camouflage areas that I wanted to hide. I had used it to cover the area near the air conditioner but it had grown so much that the grass was beginning to grow into the air conditioner. It simply had to be moved. Task for the day---dig out the zebra grass, move it to a new spot, and replant.
I headed out to the back yard with a shovel in hand. Later on I would return to the garage and get an axe and a wheelbarrow. I began to loosen the soil around the grass but quickly realized exactly how root bound the plant was. I put my shovel into the soil and found that it was easy to dig into but the more I tried to get under the plant, the more my shovel threatened to break near the area where the metal and handle meet. No way was a shovel going to do the work on its own. My trusty axe would make the job easier and cut through the roots quicker. Its sharp blade came to my rescue. I worked and worked and worked…and then I worked some more. I pulled so hard in some areas that I found myself sitting down on the ground. The shovel would not go through some areas of the plant and it took more than one whack of the axe to work through the heavy root system.
After almost an hour and a half I managed to get the heavy plant out of the original hole. Now all I had to do was replant it somewhere else. I had the spot already picked out. It was on the slope at the side of our house. Another frustrating half hour of trying to get the holes dug while trying to keep my balance without slipping down the slope. (Believe me, the next house we own is going to have a level back yard!) What an ordeal! I can say that at the end the score went something like this. Zebra grass—10 points: 6 points for each time that it refused to give way to my shovel or axe, 3 points for the frustration I had replanting it, and 1 point for falling out of my wheelbarrow. My score came out higher simply because I finished everything I set out to accomplish. I guess my point total would be 12---6 points for struggling to remove the plant from its original location, but successfully doing the job, 2 points for struggling to push the wheelbarrow around the corner of the house and actually making it, and 2 points for actually getting the plant in its new location. And additional point for overcoming my frustration without sounding off and 1 point for not allowing the axe to hit any body part. I probably should add another point or two for keeping my balance on the slope while trying to plant the zebra grass. But I can say with confidence that I did complete the job!
Last year my gardener came to work in my yard. We are very fortunate to have zoysia grass and it does not need mowing as much as regular grass. It means that the gardener usually comes out about once every four to six weeks. This gardener is probably one of the best in the area. I had watched him for over two years work in my neighbor’s yard. He was meticulous and always left the yard spotless and well groomed. He usually mows our grass and trims the area around the sidewalk and front curb. We’ve had a few incidents where the weed eater managed to chop off one of my flowers but nothing that really bothered me. On one particular visit he decided to trim one of our bushes. He came to me later and showed me what he had done. He seemed so satisfied with his work but the real truth is that bridal wreath is known for its large graceful branches that almost reach to the ground. This particular plant had been growing for about five years and had a good arched shape on it. I was disappointed to learn of the “haircut” but there was nothing I could do. It would take some time to get the shape back and the areas where the branches had been trimmed would become fuller so it wasn’t all in vain.
Last year my neighbor and I tried our hand at growing African violets. It had been quite a long time since I had indoor plants and the African violet was supposed to be easy to grow. Throughout the months we managed to kill some of the plants either due to neglect or over-watering. My neighbor lost all her plants; I still have two plants that I am rather proud of. I have tried to keep other plants in the house but I find that I am gone so much of the time that they eventually grow brown and die. I have learned to keep my plants near the kitchen window. If I see them then I am reminded to water and fertilize them. The old saying “Out of sight, out of mind” really applies here.
Jesus is the perfect gardener who knows exactly what we need in our life. John 15 tells the parable about a vine that grew in the area where Jesus was. “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. Every branch in me that does not bear fruit He takes away and every branch that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit.” (John 15:1,2). This verse came to my mind because it was a verse that I heard over and over during the years that I was either in Sunday School or at church. Also, the process of pruning and moving a plant to a new location and removing the dead branches is very much a part of gardening. I knew the parallel but it is never as vivid in my mind as in the early spring when everything comes to life.
Gardening has been a passion of mine for many years and it gives me joy to see the new plants send out their first shoots and then burst into bloom. Some plants thrive in my garden. Other plants are devoured by the deer and rabbits, and others just dry up due to periods of drought. The garden must be tended almost on a daily basis if you are to be successful. And sometimes when you take the most care and work hard to keep things growing, weeds surround the plant or the plant grows back in a place where it once stood. That’s what will happen to my zebra grass. No matter how hard I try to remove it, a few roots will survive and the grass will return. I will have to pull it out again or grab a handy bottle of Roundup and give it a zap or two.
God’s word tells us “without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Unless we allow God to prune away the weeds of sin we will not be able to fully thrive and blossom into the Christian that God truly wants us to be. Sometimes He has to prune away the dead part of our lives to open our eyes to new and better views. At other times the pruning is subtle and we hardly feel it. God is shaping us into a new creation so that we can become more like Him.
Our life needs to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ”. His guiding hand will nurture us each step of the way if only we will let Him. While you tend your own yard this spring and summer, let God work in your life and remove away any dead branches that you have permitted to take over a part of your life. Then you can bloom even more and become a rare flower that blooms in His garden.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
The early morning hours portray some of the most beautiful scenery. Watching the sun come up and looking at the rays as they shimmer across the sky creates a beautiful portrait that only God could paint. Sunny days are the days when the light of the sun can be the brightest and on some summer days the light of the sun can be almost blinding. On snowy days the sun sometimes shines on the surface of newly fallen snow and bounces off the surface with rays of bright light. Rainy days may have thunder and spikes of lightning reaching from the sky to the ground. These same rainy days can paint a portrait of a rainbow arching from one end of the sky to another point in the sky where it ends. The colors sparkle and glow and for me it reminds me of God’s promise in Genesis. Although the world was once covered with a flood, God promises that the earth will no longer be covered with water that will literally wipe man off the surface of the earth. The rainbow is a reminder of that promise. Of course, there are the days that are foggy, cloudy and rainy, blustery with snow so thick that you can’t see the sky, and cloudy days when the rays of the sun simply do not find their way to earth. They have a canvas of different colors, mostly muted and colored with shades of gray and dull white.
As the evening begins there is a change in the scenery. The sun slowly sets in the west and usually turns the sky with colors of red and orange. It usually gives the colors in streaks and some of the most gorgeous shades of color can be found in a sunset. One by one another set of lights begin to glimmer in the dark colors of the night. The stars dot the sky with sparkles of light and moon hangs in the sky with one of its many phases. It may be a crescent, half moon, or a full moon but its light is there for all to see. Slowly the lights of homes and businesses come on creating even a different type of light in the sky. The lights of large cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Washington DC are dotted with some of the brightest lights and are especially beautiful to see from an airplane or from some point that is higher than the city itself. At Christmas the lights from homes and cities are even brighter and in some areas like Gatlinburg, TN the lights are so bright that it is hard to even see the traffic lights.
Bright lights reveal how the darkness of the world around us can be dotted with light. That light may be in the day or night but it is a reminder that darkness can be uncovered. The Bible describes many instances where the brilliant light has been shown in the past. While Saul, later renamed Paul, was on the Damascus road, “he journeyed [and] came near Damascus and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.” (Acts 9:3). One concordance explains that light as being so intense and penetrating that Saul fell to the ground. Even the men who were traveling with him fell to the ground and although they could see nothing, they were able to hear the voice of God. (The Nelson Study Bible).
Another incident is in the Old Testament and describes Zion, the holy city. It is a prophecy of things to come. According to Isaiah 60:1-2 we are told to “Arise, shine. For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and the deep darkness the people but the Lord will arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you”. This verse is often quoted around Christmas or Easter as a reminder of just how wonderful it was for Christ to come to earth and be the propitiation for our sins.
The New Testament is filled with glimpses into the Son of God and how his light will shine on us. These references prepare us for the coming of the Son of Man and the way that His presence will fill the sky. In the coming of the Lord, Matthew 24:27 reveals “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” His glory will light up the sky and it will be visible to everyone. Revelation 21:23 informs us that “The city [the New Jerusalem] had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine it in for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is the light.” The glow of God’s light is so great that it overflows and fills the entire area around it. There is no reason to have any other light than the light of Christ. Again, the Holy City was described by John, the author of Revelation, in his vision of the Holy City as it came down to earth. “And He carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal” (Revelation 21:10-11)
Imagine, if you will, all the types of lights we have here on earth. Then consider how magnificent the light will be if you are a Christian who has asked for forgiveness for your sins. You will be able to bask in the Light of the Lamb of God. The Light will guide us on another journey even greater than the one we are on right now. Are you really ready?
As the evening begins there is a change in the scenery. The sun slowly sets in the west and usually turns the sky with colors of red and orange. It usually gives the colors in streaks and some of the most gorgeous shades of color can be found in a sunset. One by one another set of lights begin to glimmer in the dark colors of the night. The stars dot the sky with sparkles of light and moon hangs in the sky with one of its many phases. It may be a crescent, half moon, or a full moon but its light is there for all to see. Slowly the lights of homes and businesses come on creating even a different type of light in the sky. The lights of large cities like Los Angeles, Chicago, New York and Washington DC are dotted with some of the brightest lights and are especially beautiful to see from an airplane or from some point that is higher than the city itself. At Christmas the lights from homes and cities are even brighter and in some areas like Gatlinburg, TN the lights are so bright that it is hard to even see the traffic lights.
Bright lights reveal how the darkness of the world around us can be dotted with light. That light may be in the day or night but it is a reminder that darkness can be uncovered. The Bible describes many instances where the brilliant light has been shown in the past. While Saul, later renamed Paul, was on the Damascus road, “he journeyed [and] came near Damascus and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.” (Acts 9:3). One concordance explains that light as being so intense and penetrating that Saul fell to the ground. Even the men who were traveling with him fell to the ground and although they could see nothing, they were able to hear the voice of God. (The Nelson Study Bible).
Another incident is in the Old Testament and describes Zion, the holy city. It is a prophecy of things to come. According to Isaiah 60:1-2 we are told to “Arise, shine. For your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold the darkness shall cover the earth and the deep darkness the people but the Lord will arise over you and His glory will be seen upon you”. This verse is often quoted around Christmas or Easter as a reminder of just how wonderful it was for Christ to come to earth and be the propitiation for our sins.
The New Testament is filled with glimpses into the Son of God and how his light will shine on us. These references prepare us for the coming of the Son of Man and the way that His presence will fill the sky. In the coming of the Lord, Matthew 24:27 reveals “For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” His glory will light up the sky and it will be visible to everyone. Revelation 21:23 informs us that “The city [the New Jerusalem] had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine it in for the glory of God illuminated it. The Lamb is the light.” The glow of God’s light is so great that it overflows and fills the entire area around it. There is no reason to have any other light than the light of Christ. Again, the Holy City was described by John, the author of Revelation, in his vision of the Holy City as it came down to earth. “And He carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God having the glory of God. Her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal” (Revelation 21:10-11)
Imagine, if you will, all the types of lights we have here on earth. Then consider how magnificent the light will be if you are a Christian who has asked for forgiveness for your sins. You will be able to bask in the Light of the Lamb of God. The Light will guide us on another journey even greater than the one we are on right now. Are you really ready?
Tomorrow I will leave for Atlanta to visit my family. Although my husband I usually make the trip together this time I will be making the trek by myself. I have felt nervous and anxious about the trip mainly due to the length of the trip but also because of the issue of safety on the road. As I pondered over this, I realized that at least three times God has given me safety in situations involving highway accidents.
The first time was when I was about 13 years old. My brother and I decided to get the mail and it was often a race to see who could get it first. Since we lived in the country this meant crossing the highway and being careful. On one particular instance I forgot and dashed across the road. I didn’t see the approaching car and although I made it safely back across. A policeman drove into our driveway and had a chat with my mother. It wasn’t until then that I realized that I had come very close to being hit.
The next accident was in December 1980. I had been teaching and was headed home with a carload of kids. I was tired and the kids were ready to get home and play. I stopped at the stop sign, looked each way, and then pulled out in traffic expecting to stop in the median until I could safely cross the other lane. I heard the crash of metal and realized I had been hit in the front part of the driver’s side of the car. Although I had looked very carefully there was a car in a blind spot and it came down the highway towards me. I was quite shook up and the officer helped to get the scene cleared. He offered to take the kids and I home since my car wouldn’t stat. What was so significant about this even was that I was eight months pregnant. God had protected me from harm and allowed the baby to be safe.
The last incident happened about a week ago. My husband and I were coming home from a trip and we both were tired. We had taken turns driving and didn’t realize exactly how exhausted we were. We stopped at the light in the city and got ready to make a left turn. There were two lanes of traffic that turned left so we wanted to be sure that we stayed in the correct lane. The left turn was made without any problem—or so we thought. Both of us looked up and saw that we were headed towards a sea of headlights. The turn had put us driving directly into oncoming traffic. I saw my whole life flash before me and at the last minutes my husband turned the car to the right and we went over the median into the right lane. Fortunately the median strip was very low and there were no cars anywhere close when the car moved into the correct lane. Shaking, we stopped and thanked God for protection. We also decided that we needed to take a break and get our focus back.
As I prepare for the trip tomorrow I am reminded of each of these situations and will be sure to ask God to be with me throughout the whole trip. My Grandmother always mentioned her favorite passage about safety whenever she came to visit. Psalm 121 was her source of comfort and helped her to remember that God was around her and protected her. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills From Whence comes my help. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber…The Lord will preserve your going out and your coming From this time forth, and even forevermore.” (Psalm 121:1-3;8)
(Originally posted on February 8th on another website)
The first time was when I was about 13 years old. My brother and I decided to get the mail and it was often a race to see who could get it first. Since we lived in the country this meant crossing the highway and being careful. On one particular instance I forgot and dashed across the road. I didn’t see the approaching car and although I made it safely back across. A policeman drove into our driveway and had a chat with my mother. It wasn’t until then that I realized that I had come very close to being hit.
The next accident was in December 1980. I had been teaching and was headed home with a carload of kids. I was tired and the kids were ready to get home and play. I stopped at the stop sign, looked each way, and then pulled out in traffic expecting to stop in the median until I could safely cross the other lane. I heard the crash of metal and realized I had been hit in the front part of the driver’s side of the car. Although I had looked very carefully there was a car in a blind spot and it came down the highway towards me. I was quite shook up and the officer helped to get the scene cleared. He offered to take the kids and I home since my car wouldn’t stat. What was so significant about this even was that I was eight months pregnant. God had protected me from harm and allowed the baby to be safe.
The last incident happened about a week ago. My husband and I were coming home from a trip and we both were tired. We had taken turns driving and didn’t realize exactly how exhausted we were. We stopped at the light in the city and got ready to make a left turn. There were two lanes of traffic that turned left so we wanted to be sure that we stayed in the correct lane. The left turn was made without any problem—or so we thought. Both of us looked up and saw that we were headed towards a sea of headlights. The turn had put us driving directly into oncoming traffic. I saw my whole life flash before me and at the last minutes my husband turned the car to the right and we went over the median into the right lane. Fortunately the median strip was very low and there were no cars anywhere close when the car moved into the correct lane. Shaking, we stopped and thanked God for protection. We also decided that we needed to take a break and get our focus back.
As I prepare for the trip tomorrow I am reminded of each of these situations and will be sure to ask God to be with me throughout the whole trip. My Grandmother always mentioned her favorite passage about safety whenever she came to visit. Psalm 121 was her source of comfort and helped her to remember that God was around her and protected her. “I will lift up my eyes to the hills From Whence comes my help. My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth. He will not allow your foot to be moved; He who keeps you will not slumber…The Lord will preserve your going out and your coming From this time forth, and even forevermore.” (Psalm 121:1-3;8)
(Originally posted on February 8th on another website)
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
My mind was wandering today about how our mind controls our actions. Advertisers play on our ability to be able to experience our world through each one of our five senses. They challenge our intelligence and test our sense of humor. They display visual images, of the weather and nature. Pictures of sports events showing fans jumping up and down as the teams rally for the win gives us a sense of excitement. Our ability to feel different textures mainly is a gift given through the fingertips. And our ability to taste a plethora of items and label them as sweet, bitter or salty; cold, hot or warm or moist, dry, or bland affect our taste senses. Flavors like lemon, chocolate, strawberry, pineapple or vanilla are just some of the flavors that tempt our palate. We also have the ability to hear a wide range of sounds and realize that things may be noisy, loud, soft, crunchy, melodic, harsh, or way too intense to really understand the overall sound/music. If you happen to be even slightly hearing impaired, you can better appreciate the noise or music that is in the air. It is a sense that gives definition to our world and one that I would not like to be without.
Is there any way that these senses can control our mind? Yes, of course there is. I want you to come away from where you are now and think or focus on the scenario below: It is the start of a day, let’s say that it is bright, clear, and sunny. You have driven a few hours away from home to relax and get away from the pressures of work. You drive down a highway that comes to different turns with arrows pointing out left and right directions. You decide to turn to the right and follow the sign. You park your car; glance around and walk up to the door of a tall hotel that looks like a huge skyscraper. The sun glistens off the shiny metal trim and decorations on the building. The doorman opens the glass door wide open for you, gives a slight bow, and smiles as you enter. You walk into the lobby of a huge hotel. It is far more extravagant than any one that you could afford to stay in. You sign for your complimentary stay at the hotel. Luggage is taken up to the room and then you do back down stairs to decide what to do on this day.
You take in the different smells of the food court and restaurants nearby. There is the smell of baked items, the smell of grilled meat and the spices that indicate a variety of pasta dishes. All of your senses awaken and it looks like this is really going to be a day worth remembering. What a wonderful way to relax and get refreshed for the next work day.
Your attention is focused beyond the lobby into a room with noises that sounds like bells and whistles. You are tempted to enter and eventually do. It is a little hazy with smoke but you can tolerate that, at least for now. Everything is a buzz with sounds. Machine after machine line the walls and the rows within have machines with lights that are blinking. Their neon colors grasp your attention. People are everywhere and everyone looks like they are having a fun time. Tables are located in the center area of the room and men and women sit around the tables. If this is your first time to glance at all the glamour, you may be unable to take in all the surroundings and find everything a little overwhelming. You may find the noise a little too loud and the smell of smoke that lingers in the air is not the fresh breath of air that you are used to. But as you become acclimated to your surroundings you learn to adapt to the sounds and smells. Your senses are dulled and it doesn’t seem quite so intimidating.
After getting adjusted to the sounds and bright lights, you walk towards a machine that looks like fun. After all, it is just a game and it certainly won’t hurt to try your skill at winning. You check out the first machine and realize that is $5.00 to play. This seems a little out of your reach so you go on another hunt. There are machines that only cost $1.00 to play but even this seems a little excessive. Searching for another machine that costs less, you realize that there are other machines that cost $.50, $.25, $.10, $.05, and even ones that cost only a penny to play. This is great---such a small amount surely won’t hurt my pocketbook.
Now that you are tempted to play, let’s go even further inside the mind and discover the inner thinking that occurs during the play. You place your money in the machine and listen at the sounds around you. There is the chink, chink, chink sound of change dropping into the machine. KaChunk, KaChunk, KaChunk--the cogs grind and drop into position. Beep, beep, beep---the screen displays results of the first spin. The dollar amount increases and already you have come out ahead. You begin again and the sounds you hear are the same as the first time. The spin finishes and you have won some more money. Hey, this is fun. Let’s go again.
You continue to play. You move ahead and watch as the dollar amount goes forward, slides back a few times, and then goes forward. Then, all of a sudden, there is the clang, clang, clang sound from a new spin, one that shows you have won a bonus round. You have free spins and more opportunities to win even more money. A screen appears and if you are lucky you can add even more points to your score. Each of these points converts to a monetary value, usually another increase in winnings. You are on a roll and it looks like nothing can stop you now. You know better and don’t want to sin but it is so hard.
Your confidence builds and just as quickly as the points rack up, they begin to slide down. Do I cash in now or do I go ahead hoping that I can reclaim part of the winnings I had? Surely I can rebuild my winnings and come back on top. No, I will try my luck again and I just know that I can get back the money I lost. Slowly the machine takes away points and your luck changes. Rather than have extra money to take home, you are out of opportunities to win. You must put in more money or quit. Whatever you do now you are not ahead and if you choose to put in more money, you are even further behind. Rather than lose $20.00 your loss is now $40.00. If you continue to play hoping to recover from your losses you may end up putting in $60.00 or more with the hope of reclaiming your hard earned money. I Timothy 3:3 and Titus 1:7 give guidelines for deacons and bishops that serve in the church. The phrase “not greedy for money” is found in both passages. That phrase also applies to Christians who seek to please the Lord. You know in the back of your mind that it is wrong, but can you resist the temptation?
The lure of sin that was once so easy at first has led you on a path that you realize is a path of destruction. The casino looked like a place for having some fun and it was a place where you could have a little fun without indulging in too much sin. You chose to play the slot machines while others sat bent over a table playing blackjack, roulette, or poker. Their sounds and senses may be different than yours, but just the same they are struggling to reach the same goal---earning some money and having a little fun.
You thought you could take control of your life and keep things from taking away your joy, but you realize that your mind has deceived you. You have taken the wrong way and made the wrong choice. Your decision to follow Christ is compromised and you must confess your sin and get back on the right path.
The Bible has passages that address the problem of temptation and the allure of sin. Acts 15:10A asks the question “Now therefore, why tempt ye God?” I Corinthians 10:12,13 begins another warning, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man.” We are admonished “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” (James1:14,15). Your joy is gone and you know that you have done wrong.
On your trip home you realize that the time at the casino that was supposed to relax and refresh your mind has had the opposite effect. Your body is tired and your mind finds it hard to concentrate. Throughout the night before you heard all the noises from the casino resounding in your head. It seemed impossible to get sleep and when you did fall asleep it didn’t seem to really be enough. When you got up, you still had to overcome the lure of the casino since it was just off the lobby. At no time was the casino closed. It was open all night and the players simply came and left and new faces filled the area. If you are sincere in your commitment to return to a closer walk with Christ, then you will heed Romans 2:4 “knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance.” From then on, you will put your trust in God and let him sense your needs and meet them in His own time.
Is there any way that these senses can control our mind? Yes, of course there is. I want you to come away from where you are now and think or focus on the scenario below: It is the start of a day, let’s say that it is bright, clear, and sunny. You have driven a few hours away from home to relax and get away from the pressures of work. You drive down a highway that comes to different turns with arrows pointing out left and right directions. You decide to turn to the right and follow the sign. You park your car; glance around and walk up to the door of a tall hotel that looks like a huge skyscraper. The sun glistens off the shiny metal trim and decorations on the building. The doorman opens the glass door wide open for you, gives a slight bow, and smiles as you enter. You walk into the lobby of a huge hotel. It is far more extravagant than any one that you could afford to stay in. You sign for your complimentary stay at the hotel. Luggage is taken up to the room and then you do back down stairs to decide what to do on this day.
You take in the different smells of the food court and restaurants nearby. There is the smell of baked items, the smell of grilled meat and the spices that indicate a variety of pasta dishes. All of your senses awaken and it looks like this is really going to be a day worth remembering. What a wonderful way to relax and get refreshed for the next work day.
Your attention is focused beyond the lobby into a room with noises that sounds like bells and whistles. You are tempted to enter and eventually do. It is a little hazy with smoke but you can tolerate that, at least for now. Everything is a buzz with sounds. Machine after machine line the walls and the rows within have machines with lights that are blinking. Their neon colors grasp your attention. People are everywhere and everyone looks like they are having a fun time. Tables are located in the center area of the room and men and women sit around the tables. If this is your first time to glance at all the glamour, you may be unable to take in all the surroundings and find everything a little overwhelming. You may find the noise a little too loud and the smell of smoke that lingers in the air is not the fresh breath of air that you are used to. But as you become acclimated to your surroundings you learn to adapt to the sounds and smells. Your senses are dulled and it doesn’t seem quite so intimidating.
After getting adjusted to the sounds and bright lights, you walk towards a machine that looks like fun. After all, it is just a game and it certainly won’t hurt to try your skill at winning. You check out the first machine and realize that is $5.00 to play. This seems a little out of your reach so you go on another hunt. There are machines that only cost $1.00 to play but even this seems a little excessive. Searching for another machine that costs less, you realize that there are other machines that cost $.50, $.25, $.10, $.05, and even ones that cost only a penny to play. This is great---such a small amount surely won’t hurt my pocketbook.
Now that you are tempted to play, let’s go even further inside the mind and discover the inner thinking that occurs during the play. You place your money in the machine and listen at the sounds around you. There is the chink, chink, chink sound of change dropping into the machine. KaChunk, KaChunk, KaChunk--the cogs grind and drop into position. Beep, beep, beep---the screen displays results of the first spin. The dollar amount increases and already you have come out ahead. You begin again and the sounds you hear are the same as the first time. The spin finishes and you have won some more money. Hey, this is fun. Let’s go again.
You continue to play. You move ahead and watch as the dollar amount goes forward, slides back a few times, and then goes forward. Then, all of a sudden, there is the clang, clang, clang sound from a new spin, one that shows you have won a bonus round. You have free spins and more opportunities to win even more money. A screen appears and if you are lucky you can add even more points to your score. Each of these points converts to a monetary value, usually another increase in winnings. You are on a roll and it looks like nothing can stop you now. You know better and don’t want to sin but it is so hard.
Your confidence builds and just as quickly as the points rack up, they begin to slide down. Do I cash in now or do I go ahead hoping that I can reclaim part of the winnings I had? Surely I can rebuild my winnings and come back on top. No, I will try my luck again and I just know that I can get back the money I lost. Slowly the machine takes away points and your luck changes. Rather than have extra money to take home, you are out of opportunities to win. You must put in more money or quit. Whatever you do now you are not ahead and if you choose to put in more money, you are even further behind. Rather than lose $20.00 your loss is now $40.00. If you continue to play hoping to recover from your losses you may end up putting in $60.00 or more with the hope of reclaiming your hard earned money. I Timothy 3:3 and Titus 1:7 give guidelines for deacons and bishops that serve in the church. The phrase “not greedy for money” is found in both passages. That phrase also applies to Christians who seek to please the Lord. You know in the back of your mind that it is wrong, but can you resist the temptation?
The lure of sin that was once so easy at first has led you on a path that you realize is a path of destruction. The casino looked like a place for having some fun and it was a place where you could have a little fun without indulging in too much sin. You chose to play the slot machines while others sat bent over a table playing blackjack, roulette, or poker. Their sounds and senses may be different than yours, but just the same they are struggling to reach the same goal---earning some money and having a little fun.
You thought you could take control of your life and keep things from taking away your joy, but you realize that your mind has deceived you. You have taken the wrong way and made the wrong choice. Your decision to follow Christ is compromised and you must confess your sin and get back on the right path.
The Bible has passages that address the problem of temptation and the allure of sin. Acts 15:10A asks the question “Now therefore, why tempt ye God?” I Corinthians 10:12,13 begins another warning, “Therefore let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall. No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man.” We are admonished “But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin when it is full-grown, brings forth death.” (James1:14,15). Your joy is gone and you know that you have done wrong.
On your trip home you realize that the time at the casino that was supposed to relax and refresh your mind has had the opposite effect. Your body is tired and your mind finds it hard to concentrate. Throughout the night before you heard all the noises from the casino resounding in your head. It seemed impossible to get sleep and when you did fall asleep it didn’t seem to really be enough. When you got up, you still had to overcome the lure of the casino since it was just off the lobby. At no time was the casino closed. It was open all night and the players simply came and left and new faces filled the area. If you are sincere in your commitment to return to a closer walk with Christ, then you will heed Romans 2:4 “knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance.” From then on, you will put your trust in God and let him sense your needs and meet them in His own time.
I saw this phrase over the weekend on a billboard along the highway to advertise casinos. It made me stop and look more than once because it seemed to be completely the opposite of what I expected. The more formal word is “antithesis”—the word “winner” and “quit” are not words that go together. A winner is someone who perseveres to the very end, not someone who quits along the way. So exactly what could the phrase mean??
Some states permit casinos to help bring in extra money. Other states are in direct opposition to the idea. There are no casinos allowed and when the bill is presented again and again before the legislature, the people vote against allowing them in the state. The number of states which do NOT permit casinos or some type of gaming are few. I happen to live in Arkansas, one of the states where casinos and gambling are not allowed.
Billboards in the states that permit casinos beckon to anyone traveling down the highway to visit and try their luck. It sounds so convincing that many people stop and take a chance. And to help those who are willing to visit and take their chance, there are places that will “help” you to have a good cash flow. Places which will lend money on your mortgage and pawn shops that will loan money on expensive jewelry or guns and other items.
Advertising makes it sound so easy. All sorts of promotions plead for the traveler to consider stopping along the way. One casino had a drawing for a car…one car given away each week through February and March. All you had to do was be there in person. It didn’t mention that in order to get a chance on winning the car, you had to spend money and the number of tickets you were awarded was based on how much money you had spent at that casino. Inexpensive room rates and complimentary meals with very reasonable prices and endless buffets are advertised. Hotel stays give reduced rates for staying one night. By using mail, more coupons and free offers are given so that you will be able of come more often. All of these enticements make it easy to lure people into coming and spending their money.
Promotional advertising is not restricted to billboards. In case you hadn’t noticed, poker tournaments are now broadcast on television. These tournaments make it sound like you can win huge “pots” if you know the right strategy. Winners who are not afraid to put $1,000 or more into the “pot” are tempted with the hopes of winning $10,000 or more. Some players spend their time as a “professional” and those players may win dollar amounts as high as ½ a million dollars. Others win larger amounts of money. Some players will bluff their way through the hand when they have absolutely nothing. Others only play when they have a really good hand. Maintaining a poker face is important and even such things as a blink of the eye, the twitch of a muscle, or a slight body movement will tell professional players whether you really have a good hand. One person that I know lost their job recently and had trouble finding work. He is someone who has a lot of money but wants to keep his mind occupied. He now spends his time as a gambler trying to make extra money.
Hebrews 12:1 motivates us to “run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” As Christians we are to focus on Christ and with that focus our faith will keep us on the right path. We do not need “get rich quick” schemes or any of man’s promotional gimmicks to help us along the way. Sure, we are tempted and sometimes we succumb to the temptation. What one of us hasn’t at one time dreamed of winning the Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes, hitting it big in the lottery or at the horse races. Perhaps coming home with a huge jackpot won at a casino attracts us. Maybe a rich relative will pass away and leave us a large inheritance that will set us up for a lifetime. We could vie for a space on a reality show like the “Apprentice,” “American Idol” or “Amazing Race” or “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”. On shows like this the prize is a monetary award or recognition that will bring us fame and fortune. If we are totally honest, we have at least given it some thought at one point in life. It would be nice to be out of debt and not have to worry financially about money for the future.
But life is not like that for most people. “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things.” (I Corinthians 9:24) Notice that word “temperate”. It means being self-restrained in our behavior. Are we self-restrained when we allow ourselves to follow through with trying to win OUR race by gaining self-gratification through winning man’s games?
Consider the phrase again “winners know when to quit”. Winners of the race for eternal life and the crown of life know when it is time to come away from the temptations of this world and put their life into God’s hands. Knowing when to quit playing man’s games and recognizing the majesty and authority of God is becoming a “winner who knows when to quit”. Our priorities are in order and we will run the race successfully. And, if along the way when we fail, we only have to ask God’s forgiveness and continue on the right path. Paul, a missionary to many of the churches in the New Testament give this insight ”I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). His [God’s} race will test our fortitude but if we quit trying to look at man’s way and look towards Christ, then we will win the greatest prize of all. Winners who focus on God and His impact on our lives are the ones who overcome the obstacles and win in the real race, the race for a heavenly crown.
Some states permit casinos to help bring in extra money. Other states are in direct opposition to the idea. There are no casinos allowed and when the bill is presented again and again before the legislature, the people vote against allowing them in the state. The number of states which do NOT permit casinos or some type of gaming are few. I happen to live in Arkansas, one of the states where casinos and gambling are not allowed.
Billboards in the states that permit casinos beckon to anyone traveling down the highway to visit and try their luck. It sounds so convincing that many people stop and take a chance. And to help those who are willing to visit and take their chance, there are places that will “help” you to have a good cash flow. Places which will lend money on your mortgage and pawn shops that will loan money on expensive jewelry or guns and other items.
Advertising makes it sound so easy. All sorts of promotions plead for the traveler to consider stopping along the way. One casino had a drawing for a car…one car given away each week through February and March. All you had to do was be there in person. It didn’t mention that in order to get a chance on winning the car, you had to spend money and the number of tickets you were awarded was based on how much money you had spent at that casino. Inexpensive room rates and complimentary meals with very reasonable prices and endless buffets are advertised. Hotel stays give reduced rates for staying one night. By using mail, more coupons and free offers are given so that you will be able of come more often. All of these enticements make it easy to lure people into coming and spending their money.
Promotional advertising is not restricted to billboards. In case you hadn’t noticed, poker tournaments are now broadcast on television. These tournaments make it sound like you can win huge “pots” if you know the right strategy. Winners who are not afraid to put $1,000 or more into the “pot” are tempted with the hopes of winning $10,000 or more. Some players spend their time as a “professional” and those players may win dollar amounts as high as ½ a million dollars. Others win larger amounts of money. Some players will bluff their way through the hand when they have absolutely nothing. Others only play when they have a really good hand. Maintaining a poker face is important and even such things as a blink of the eye, the twitch of a muscle, or a slight body movement will tell professional players whether you really have a good hand. One person that I know lost their job recently and had trouble finding work. He is someone who has a lot of money but wants to keep his mind occupied. He now spends his time as a gambler trying to make extra money.
Hebrews 12:1 motivates us to “run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” As Christians we are to focus on Christ and with that focus our faith will keep us on the right path. We do not need “get rich quick” schemes or any of man’s promotional gimmicks to help us along the way. Sure, we are tempted and sometimes we succumb to the temptation. What one of us hasn’t at one time dreamed of winning the Publisher’s Clearing House sweepstakes, hitting it big in the lottery or at the horse races. Perhaps coming home with a huge jackpot won at a casino attracts us. Maybe a rich relative will pass away and leave us a large inheritance that will set us up for a lifetime. We could vie for a space on a reality show like the “Apprentice,” “American Idol” or “Amazing Race” or “Who Wants to be a Millionaire”. On shows like this the prize is a monetary award or recognition that will bring us fame and fortune. If we are totally honest, we have at least given it some thought at one point in life. It would be nice to be out of debt and not have to worry financially about money for the future.
But life is not like that for most people. “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things.” (I Corinthians 9:24) Notice that word “temperate”. It means being self-restrained in our behavior. Are we self-restrained when we allow ourselves to follow through with trying to win OUR race by gaining self-gratification through winning man’s games?
Consider the phrase again “winners know when to quit”. Winners of the race for eternal life and the crown of life know when it is time to come away from the temptations of this world and put their life into God’s hands. Knowing when to quit playing man’s games and recognizing the majesty and authority of God is becoming a “winner who knows when to quit”. Our priorities are in order and we will run the race successfully. And, if along the way when we fail, we only have to ask God’s forgiveness and continue on the right path. Paul, a missionary to many of the churches in the New Testament give this insight ”I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). His [God’s} race will test our fortitude but if we quit trying to look at man’s way and look towards Christ, then we will win the greatest prize of all. Winners who focus on God and His impact on our lives are the ones who overcome the obstacles and win in the real race, the race for a heavenly crown.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
K T M S P * *
Have you ever given any thought to how many ways we shorten phrases to “simplify” our language in modern terms? Everyone seems to be in a rush and by recognizing the first letter of many things we are able to make an instant connection. We have shortened the meaning of phrases by using a combination of letters from the phrase.
Just looking around any city you can find the USPS (United States Postal Service), UPS (United Parcel Service), DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), and the PO (Post Office). Although not a combination of letters, everyone recognizes FedEx (Federal Express) quickly and McD’s (McDonald’s) is probably the most visited fast food restaurant. The SPCA (Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) works within many areas to help with animals that are neglected or mistreated.
We shorten the names of our states to make it easier than writing out the whole word. CA (California), OH (Ohio), NY (New York), NJ (New Jersey), and FL (Florida) are just a few of our shortened state names. We can fly into DFW (Dallas-FortWorth), ATL (Atlanta), LAX (Los Angeles), PanAm (Pan American), TWA (TransWorld Airlines)or NW (NorthWest Airlines). And we proudly live in the USA (United States of America).
You can find organizations such as the PTA (Parent Teacher’s Association), BSA (Boy Scouts of America), or GSA (Girl Scouts of America), or the NRA (National Rifle Association) in cities and towns. You may attend FBC (First Baptist Church), COGIC Church of God in Christ), or your church may be in the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) or the ABC (American Baptist Convention).
We use letters to help with the names of schools. There is MS for middle school and HS for high school. Classes like PE (Physical Education) are requirements and SEd (Special Education) students are enrolled for more limited class content. Everyone is talking about the GPA (Grade Point Average) or preparing for the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) or the ACT (American College Testing). We take advanced learning at colleges such as LSU (Louisiana State University), UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles), NYU (New York University), UT (University of Tennessee), or ITT (Institute of Technical Technology).
The entertainment world uses symbols such as ABC (American Broadcasting Company), CBS Columbia Broadcast System), MGM (Metro Goldwyn Meyer), PG13 (Parental Guidance under age 13), and R (Restricted –for films that have questionable content). We decide whether to have CATV (CAble Television) or to add a DSL (Digital Subscriber Line). We can select CC (Closed Caption) to help hearing-impaired listeners and sometimes shows are TBA (To Be Announced).
A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) can cause problems with the law. We either use the prosecuting attorney or the DA (District Attorney) in case of serious legal problems. The Defendant has a chance to retain his own lawyer or may have a PD (Public Defender) work with his case. If you are convicted you may be out on parole but will have to check in with a PO (Probation Officer) to monitor your progress while out of jail or prison. In working with children who are abused or neglected we use a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) to speak up for their rights.
In the medical field we use such abbreviations as RX (Prescription), MD (Medical Doctor), DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery), OR (Operating Room), and OBGYN (Obstetrician and Gynecologist). We may visit someone in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) or have a RN (Registered Nurse), or LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) assist us when we are admitted to the hospital. We administer CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and
We have governmental agencies such as the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association), DOD (Department of Defense) or the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). We may belong to the GOP (Grand Old Party). We look for housing under the HUD (Housing and Urban Development) program and everyone knows that the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) requires taxes to be paid yearly.
In sports we have the PGA (Professional Golfers Association), NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing), NBA (National Basketball Association), and NFL (National Football League). In football the QB (Quarter Back) goes down the field to help his team. In MLB (Major League Baseball) we want to know the RBI (Runs Batted In). We may take our children to ATA (American Taekwondo Association) to learn TKD (TaeKwonDo).
Computer jargon includes such terms at BTW (By The Way), FYI (For Your Information), LOL (Laughing Out Loud), PC (Personal Computer), and PDA (Personal Data Assistant). We may play a CD (Compact Disc) or condense our music collection on a MP3 player since it is easier to carry instead of several CD’s. We insert a tape into our VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) or a DVD (Digital Video Disc) into our electronic players. We talk about our ISP (Internet Service Provider) and search on MSN (MicroSoft Network). We watch movies and news programs on our new HDTV (High Definition Television) and record shows with a TIVO or DVR (Digital Video Recorder).
We could elaborate on the way that slang has changed over the years. In earlier years (the 80”s) we used BLOB (Binary Large Object) to describe a form of green oozing material that seeps out of an object and as a result of this acronym many science fiction stories use BLOB as part of the language for their shows. AKA (Also Known As), APB (All Points Bulletin), AWOL (Absent Without Leave) and SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) are all terms that were coined a few years ago. People performed CPR and CHIPS and ALF were two popular television shows. The list of acronyms is growing every day and in many cases the acronym can mean more than one thing depending on the group that is using the language “shortcut”.
We have gotten so used to seeing and hearing these acronyms that they have become part of our culture. You could actually think of them as a type of “new” language and sometimes we use the word “slang” as a way to describe this spoken language. Slang is always changing to match the needs of special groups. Slang may be coined by a group of teenagers just as a different way to speak. Slang is usually a new term that doesn’t fit the basic adult language initially, but eventually the words become a part of the mainstream language. Slang language is not used in formal or written language.
Everything in the world around us is always changing. The progress we have made over the past 10-20 years is astounding and I’m sure that in the next 10-20 years we will see even more progress and newer terms come into our spoken language. Terminology changes frequently and the way that we express ourselves sometimes moves so quickly that people have a hard time just keeping up with the acronyms and slang. Just trying to learn the English language is a task that a lot of people find overwhelming.
Is there anything in life that is constant and can give us stability? Yes, there is one thing that can help us stay on track and never changes. That is the Word of God and the promises that are contained in the Bible. Hebrews 13:8 is the one verse that helps us to understand that “Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and today and forever”. Malachi 3:6A repeats the constancy of God “For I am the Lord I change not.” Although we may see terminology change and even landmarks change, God [promises that “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35). James 1:17B encourages us to recognize that every perfect gift is from God above “with whom there is no variableness.” The words to the hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness (one of my favorite hymns) was penned to help us understand the stability of God and how He works in our life. By putting our faith and trust in God, we can have “Blessed Assurance” (another hymn) that He is always with us. God and His Word are the one sure thing in our lives that gives us the stability that we need to go on each day.
Just looking around any city you can find the USPS (United States Postal Service), UPS (United Parcel Service), DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles), and the PO (Post Office). Although not a combination of letters, everyone recognizes FedEx (Federal Express) quickly and McD’s (McDonald’s) is probably the most visited fast food restaurant. The SPCA (Society of Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) works within many areas to help with animals that are neglected or mistreated.
We shorten the names of our states to make it easier than writing out the whole word. CA (California), OH (Ohio), NY (New York), NJ (New Jersey), and FL (Florida) are just a few of our shortened state names. We can fly into DFW (Dallas-FortWorth), ATL (Atlanta), LAX (Los Angeles), PanAm (Pan American), TWA (TransWorld Airlines)or NW (NorthWest Airlines). And we proudly live in the USA (United States of America).
You can find organizations such as the PTA (Parent Teacher’s Association), BSA (Boy Scouts of America), or GSA (Girl Scouts of America), or the NRA (National Rifle Association) in cities and towns. You may attend FBC (First Baptist Church), COGIC Church of God in Christ), or your church may be in the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) or the ABC (American Baptist Convention).
We use letters to help with the names of schools. There is MS for middle school and HS for high school. Classes like PE (Physical Education) are requirements and SEd (Special Education) students are enrolled for more limited class content. Everyone is talking about the GPA (Grade Point Average) or preparing for the SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) or the ACT (American College Testing). We take advanced learning at colleges such as LSU (Louisiana State University), UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles), NYU (New York University), UT (University of Tennessee), or ITT (Institute of Technical Technology).
The entertainment world uses symbols such as ABC (American Broadcasting Company), CBS Columbia Broadcast System), MGM (Metro Goldwyn Meyer), PG13 (Parental Guidance under age 13), and R (Restricted –for films that have questionable content). We decide whether to have CATV (CAble Television) or to add a DSL (Digital Subscriber Line). We can select CC (Closed Caption) to help hearing-impaired listeners and sometimes shows are TBA (To Be Announced).
A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) or BAC (Blood Alcohol Content) can cause problems with the law. We either use the prosecuting attorney or the DA (District Attorney) in case of serious legal problems. The Defendant has a chance to retain his own lawyer or may have a PD (Public Defender) work with his case. If you are convicted you may be out on parole but will have to check in with a PO (Probation Officer) to monitor your progress while out of jail or prison. In working with children who are abused or neglected we use a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) to speak up for their rights.
In the medical field we use such abbreviations as RX (Prescription), MD (Medical Doctor), DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery), OR (Operating Room), and OBGYN (Obstetrician and Gynecologist). We may visit someone in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) or have a RN (Registered Nurse), or LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) assist us when we are admitted to the hospital. We administer CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) and
We have governmental agencies such as the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) and CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association), DOD (Department of Defense) or the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). We may belong to the GOP (Grand Old Party). We look for housing under the HUD (Housing and Urban Development) program and everyone knows that the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) requires taxes to be paid yearly.
In sports we have the PGA (Professional Golfers Association), NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing), NBA (National Basketball Association), and NFL (National Football League). In football the QB (Quarter Back) goes down the field to help his team. In MLB (Major League Baseball) we want to know the RBI (Runs Batted In). We may take our children to ATA (American Taekwondo Association) to learn TKD (TaeKwonDo).
Computer jargon includes such terms at BTW (By The Way), FYI (For Your Information), LOL (Laughing Out Loud), PC (Personal Computer), and PDA (Personal Data Assistant). We may play a CD (Compact Disc) or condense our music collection on a MP3 player since it is easier to carry instead of several CD’s. We insert a tape into our VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) or a DVD (Digital Video Disc) into our electronic players. We talk about our ISP (Internet Service Provider) and search on MSN (MicroSoft Network). We watch movies and news programs on our new HDTV (High Definition Television) and record shows with a TIVO or DVR (Digital Video Recorder).
We could elaborate on the way that slang has changed over the years. In earlier years (the 80”s) we used BLOB (Binary Large Object) to describe a form of green oozing material that seeps out of an object and as a result of this acronym many science fiction stories use BLOB as part of the language for their shows. AKA (Also Known As), APB (All Points Bulletin), AWOL (Absent Without Leave) and SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus) are all terms that were coined a few years ago. People performed CPR and CHIPS and ALF were two popular television shows. The list of acronyms is growing every day and in many cases the acronym can mean more than one thing depending on the group that is using the language “shortcut”.
We have gotten so used to seeing and hearing these acronyms that they have become part of our culture. You could actually think of them as a type of “new” language and sometimes we use the word “slang” as a way to describe this spoken language. Slang is always changing to match the needs of special groups. Slang may be coined by a group of teenagers just as a different way to speak. Slang is usually a new term that doesn’t fit the basic adult language initially, but eventually the words become a part of the mainstream language. Slang language is not used in formal or written language.
Everything in the world around us is always changing. The progress we have made over the past 10-20 years is astounding and I’m sure that in the next 10-20 years we will see even more progress and newer terms come into our spoken language. Terminology changes frequently and the way that we express ourselves sometimes moves so quickly that people have a hard time just keeping up with the acronyms and slang. Just trying to learn the English language is a task that a lot of people find overwhelming.
Is there anything in life that is constant and can give us stability? Yes, there is one thing that can help us stay on track and never changes. That is the Word of God and the promises that are contained in the Bible. Hebrews 13:8 is the one verse that helps us to understand that “Jesus Christ [is] the same yesterday, and today and forever”. Malachi 3:6A repeats the constancy of God “For I am the Lord I change not.” Although we may see terminology change and even landmarks change, God [promises that “Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away (Matthew 24:35). James 1:17B encourages us to recognize that every perfect gift is from God above “with whom there is no variableness.” The words to the hymn “Great Is Thy Faithfulness (one of my favorite hymns) was penned to help us understand the stability of God and how He works in our life. By putting our faith and trust in God, we can have “Blessed Assurance” (another hymn) that He is always with us. God and His Word are the one sure thing in our lives that gives us the stability that we need to go on each day.
Faith. It is defined by the Oxford American Dictionary as “reliance or trust in a person or thing.” It is the key to living the Christian life since it is the foundation of Christianity. Our whole belief system focuses on God and his love for us. His son, Jesus, is the intercessory for mankind. He is the one and only way to salvation. He is our “go between” with God and He has provided a way to come to the Father. II Corinthians 5:7 states “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Colossians 1:23,28 “If ye continue in the faith grounded and settled and be not moved away from the hope of the gospel, which ye have heard…that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.” This faith does not make us perfect or without sin; it allows Christ to present us before His father, redeemed and perfect before God because we chose to believe. II Thessalonians 1:3 in Paul’s letter to the church at Thessalonica gives another insight since Paul tells them “We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren…because that your faith groweth exceedingly and the charity of every one toward each other aboundeth.” There are many other verses throughout the Bible that mention “faith” and its importance in our Christian life.
Many Christians busy themselves with trivial details from the Bible and focus on them rather than on the actual message from God. I know that many people study the Bible in depth and some people actually enjoy reading about little known facts about the Bible. They love to make a challenge of testing their knowledge of the Bible with other friends. They may actually find a Bible game that they love to play. Some of the following questions are ones that could be something interesting to learn or know: How many books are in the Bible? What is the exact center of the Bible? What are the books of the Bible, in order? Name the ten plagues that were from the Old Testament when Israel was under Egyptian bondage? Name the disciples of Jesus? Or perhaps you challenge yourself with memorizing Scriptures. I enjoy challenges like that, too. It was a fun part of my early Christian days as a young person. We had Bible challenges between different churches or quiz teams that tested our ability to recall details. But this is not what I am referring to here.
I have been in churches that focus on so many little details about things that it seems there is always a new rule to follow. I was to be at church every time the church door opens (which in itself is not a bad) but I started doing it for the wrong reason. I went because I was expected to be there. I also taught in a Christian school and rules were to be followed exactly. One day I was one minute late and it was brought to my attention. One minute late??? I had four children and a host of other things to do just to get out of the house. As anyone knows, children sometimes take a little longer than expected. I got up at 5:30 am to start my day and left around 8:00 to complete a 20 minute drive to the church. To think that someone could not understand my delay and mentioned one minute late is certainly somewhat absurd. A friend of mine was in a church similar to the one I had attended. She decided to join the choir and on her first night of choir practice she received a list of 20 things that were expected of her. At the very bottom of the list was something like this: Enjoy singing and sing your praises to the Lord. What? This was the last thing on the list?? I think it should have been at the top of the list. Everything else was something that man had decided was necessary.
The longer I attended this church the more I became judgmental of others who didn’t follow the little details. I became judgmental of others who didn’t see things exactly the way I did. My focus slowly changed so much so that I thought less of salvation and the gift of grace and mercy. I become worn out emotionally from trying to do what someone else thought I should do. I had forgotten about accepting God’s salvation freely. I really had lost interest in serving God. Since my focus had changed so that I started to believe that if I didn’t do things exactly right, God would punish me and that I would have to try even harder to pull it all together. It took me a few years to recover from being in a church like this. Although many people would use this excuse as a reason to stop attending church, I had to find my way back to God. I had to relearn that acceptance of God’s grace/mercy is the true basis of Christianity.
A Christian is one who believes the Word of God and has faith in Him. He understands that he is a sinner and needs the Lord. God loves us and accepts us just as we are. (John 3: 16—For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life). God is not a God who punishes us if we don’t follow every letter of the law. It is not rules that guide the true Christian but God alone. He guides us along a path that focuses on His love for us. He accepts just as we are and loves us and shows us one step at a time how to serve and love Him. Ephesians 2: 8,9—For by grace are you saved, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast. I Timothy 2:4—tells us “That God desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth..”
Now exactly where do you stand? Do you follow man’s laws and restrictions or do you try to follow God by walking with Him? “For the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil” (II Thessalonians 3:3). Our human mind can find ways to lift up ourselves but “Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” (Proverbs 20:6). Galatians 3:9 shows us that “the just shall live by faith” and again in Proverbs 29:23 “A man’s pride [pride in following details/restrictions] will bring him low but the humble in spirit will retain honor”. So, do you follow man’s law and restrictions or do you try to follow God by walking with Him?
Many Christians busy themselves with trivial details from the Bible and focus on them rather than on the actual message from God. I know that many people study the Bible in depth and some people actually enjoy reading about little known facts about the Bible. They love to make a challenge of testing their knowledge of the Bible with other friends. They may actually find a Bible game that they love to play. Some of the following questions are ones that could be something interesting to learn or know: How many books are in the Bible? What is the exact center of the Bible? What are the books of the Bible, in order? Name the ten plagues that were from the Old Testament when Israel was under Egyptian bondage? Name the disciples of Jesus? Or perhaps you challenge yourself with memorizing Scriptures. I enjoy challenges like that, too. It was a fun part of my early Christian days as a young person. We had Bible challenges between different churches or quiz teams that tested our ability to recall details. But this is not what I am referring to here.
I have been in churches that focus on so many little details about things that it seems there is always a new rule to follow. I was to be at church every time the church door opens (which in itself is not a bad) but I started doing it for the wrong reason. I went because I was expected to be there. I also taught in a Christian school and rules were to be followed exactly. One day I was one minute late and it was brought to my attention. One minute late??? I had four children and a host of other things to do just to get out of the house. As anyone knows, children sometimes take a little longer than expected. I got up at 5:30 am to start my day and left around 8:00 to complete a 20 minute drive to the church. To think that someone could not understand my delay and mentioned one minute late is certainly somewhat absurd. A friend of mine was in a church similar to the one I had attended. She decided to join the choir and on her first night of choir practice she received a list of 20 things that were expected of her. At the very bottom of the list was something like this: Enjoy singing and sing your praises to the Lord. What? This was the last thing on the list?? I think it should have been at the top of the list. Everything else was something that man had decided was necessary.
The longer I attended this church the more I became judgmental of others who didn’t follow the little details. I became judgmental of others who didn’t see things exactly the way I did. My focus slowly changed so much so that I thought less of salvation and the gift of grace and mercy. I become worn out emotionally from trying to do what someone else thought I should do. I had forgotten about accepting God’s salvation freely. I really had lost interest in serving God. Since my focus had changed so that I started to believe that if I didn’t do things exactly right, God would punish me and that I would have to try even harder to pull it all together. It took me a few years to recover from being in a church like this. Although many people would use this excuse as a reason to stop attending church, I had to find my way back to God. I had to relearn that acceptance of God’s grace/mercy is the true basis of Christianity.
A Christian is one who believes the Word of God and has faith in Him. He understands that he is a sinner and needs the Lord. God loves us and accepts us just as we are. (John 3: 16—For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life). God is not a God who punishes us if we don’t follow every letter of the law. It is not rules that guide the true Christian but God alone. He guides us along a path that focuses on His love for us. He accepts just as we are and loves us and shows us one step at a time how to serve and love Him. Ephesians 2: 8,9—For by grace are you saved, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast. I Timothy 2:4—tells us “That God desires that all men be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth..”
Now exactly where do you stand? Do you follow man’s laws and restrictions or do you try to follow God by walking with Him? “For the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil” (II Thessalonians 3:3). Our human mind can find ways to lift up ourselves but “Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness: but a faithful man who can find?” (Proverbs 20:6). Galatians 3:9 shows us that “the just shall live by faith” and again in Proverbs 29:23 “A man’s pride [pride in following details/restrictions] will bring him low but the humble in spirit will retain honor”. So, do you follow man’s law and restrictions or do you try to follow God by walking with Him?
This morning I got up early and went out to breakfast with my granddaughter. I am not an early morning person but on this particular day I got up early. My granddaughter wanted to have breakfast so the two of us headed towards to a bakery nearby. Now I don’t get up at 6:00 AM for just anybody! But a chance to spend a few minutes with my granddaughter before school was an opportunity that I didn’t want to miss. We sat in the coffee shop and had a fresh pastry and a cup of hot chocolate. We relaxed and talked a while about anything we could think about.
Shortly afterwards I drove by the school and dropped her off for the day. As I left the parking lot I reflected on how such a simple thing as a conversation at breakfast time made me feel. The most important part of that particular morning was just being able to sit and talk. No interruptions and no one claiming another piece of my time. I knew that the Lord had provided a very special moment for both of us. And throughout the day I remembered the joy of that experience.
So many opportunities come our way each day. Sometimes we see the chance to make a difference in someone’s life and at other times we are too preoccupied with our own agenda. It is so easy to take things for granted and to forget about the precious little moments that God puts before us every day. Moments like the wings of a butterfly perched on a flower sucking nectar or the time when the sun rays shine down to earth and fall on objects that glisten in the early morning hours. The beauty of the snow on the ground while drinking a cup of coffee inside where it’s warm. Moments like the picture of joy on the face of a new born baby so dependent on its mother. Moments such as the picture of a dog curled up in front of the fireplace or the cat in the living room basking in the sun. The look on a child’s face as he walks down the street with his mother, his small hands carefully wrapped around an ice cream cone. Study the face of the elderly man sitting at the corner bus stop or catch a glimpse of a young couple obviously deep in love, holding hands and walking through the park. Listen to the sound of the bells tolling in the church every hour on the hour. All of these little observations tell us something about life and each little thing tells us something about God’s world.
In our Christian walk with the Lord we need to plan our time with Him just like we would set aside time to have a cup of coffee, talk to a friend, or read a book. The early morning is the time that is best for me. It is the time when everything is peaceful and quiet at home. That is the time I set aside to spend with the Lord. It may not be the best time for everyone but setting aside a special time with Him is really one of the most important things we should do as Christians. Colossians 4:2 states “devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving”.
I am currently reading through the Bible one book at a time. I read the verses, study the passages by referring to the notes in the side margin of my Bible or by taking a Bible reference book and analyzing someone’s viewpoint. As I work through this process I learn a little more each time that I read His book. I begin to hear his voice and feel His direction for my life.
Of course there are days that I get sidetracked and get over-involved with something else that catches my attention. The rest of the day usually goes by too fast and I never manage to really have time for God. I have left my best friend sitting alone waiting for me and I have disappointed Him. I can tell the difference because the day seems to have more problems. I also miss the opportunities that the Lord has put before me because I have not been able to hear His voice. However, the days when I spend time reading His word and reflecting on what He has done for me are the days that seem so much easier to handle. Those are the days that I can see the special moments, the little things that maybe are there every day but seem more in focus when I take time to spend with the Lord. Cherish the special moments by taking time to spend with the Lord.
Shortly afterwards I drove by the school and dropped her off for the day. As I left the parking lot I reflected on how such a simple thing as a conversation at breakfast time made me feel. The most important part of that particular morning was just being able to sit and talk. No interruptions and no one claiming another piece of my time. I knew that the Lord had provided a very special moment for both of us. And throughout the day I remembered the joy of that experience.
So many opportunities come our way each day. Sometimes we see the chance to make a difference in someone’s life and at other times we are too preoccupied with our own agenda. It is so easy to take things for granted and to forget about the precious little moments that God puts before us every day. Moments like the wings of a butterfly perched on a flower sucking nectar or the time when the sun rays shine down to earth and fall on objects that glisten in the early morning hours. The beauty of the snow on the ground while drinking a cup of coffee inside where it’s warm. Moments like the picture of joy on the face of a new born baby so dependent on its mother. Moments such as the picture of a dog curled up in front of the fireplace or the cat in the living room basking in the sun. The look on a child’s face as he walks down the street with his mother, his small hands carefully wrapped around an ice cream cone. Study the face of the elderly man sitting at the corner bus stop or catch a glimpse of a young couple obviously deep in love, holding hands and walking through the park. Listen to the sound of the bells tolling in the church every hour on the hour. All of these little observations tell us something about life and each little thing tells us something about God’s world.
In our Christian walk with the Lord we need to plan our time with Him just like we would set aside time to have a cup of coffee, talk to a friend, or read a book. The early morning is the time that is best for me. It is the time when everything is peaceful and quiet at home. That is the time I set aside to spend with the Lord. It may not be the best time for everyone but setting aside a special time with Him is really one of the most important things we should do as Christians. Colossians 4:2 states “devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving”.
I am currently reading through the Bible one book at a time. I read the verses, study the passages by referring to the notes in the side margin of my Bible or by taking a Bible reference book and analyzing someone’s viewpoint. As I work through this process I learn a little more each time that I read His book. I begin to hear his voice and feel His direction for my life.
Of course there are days that I get sidetracked and get over-involved with something else that catches my attention. The rest of the day usually goes by too fast and I never manage to really have time for God. I have left my best friend sitting alone waiting for me and I have disappointed Him. I can tell the difference because the day seems to have more problems. I also miss the opportunities that the Lord has put before me because I have not been able to hear His voice. However, the days when I spend time reading His word and reflecting on what He has done for me are the days that seem so much easier to handle. Those are the days that I can see the special moments, the little things that maybe are there every day but seem more in focus when I take time to spend with the Lord. Cherish the special moments by taking time to spend with the Lord.
Content with God at My Side
Q. How do you rest in the Lord?
Resting in the Lord is not easy. Perhaps it is one of the hardest things to do. We have so many things to accomplish that we often begin our day thinking about what needs to be done. For me, the most important part of my day is the early morning hours. It is the time when I can read my Bible and study without any disturbances. I don’t listen to music because it breaks my concentration. Also, I make it a point not to answer the telephone. Most of us have an answering machine. That is what it is for. Let the phone get the message and wait until later on to check the recording.
Each day that you set aside time for God, He gives you direction and helps you know that He is with you each step of the way. Psalm 46:10 tells us to “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth…The God of Jacob is our refuge.” God is to be praised and if we will quiet our attitude and listen to Him, we will find our day goes easier with Him by our side. If I forget to take time for God, then I have left my best friend waiting for me. God is my only security each day, through both the good times and through the rough times.
Listening to Christian music is another way that I can relax and feel God’s presence. Music has always been a part of my life. My favorite Christian songs are hymns and praise and worship songs. Famous Christian people like Fanny Crosby, Selah, Point of Grace, and Lauren Talley have written down their thoughts about their relationship with Christ. As I listen to the songs and their message, I feel calmer. And sometimes I feel so close to God that I join along and sing with the music. Psalm 69:30 says “I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify him with Thanksgiving.” In the Old Testament even King Saul had David come into his room and play music to calm his troubled spirit. The Bible mentions a variety of musical instruments such as the harp, flute, cymbals, and trumpet. We are meant to praise God in song and through music.
Reading Christian novels helps me to relax as I let my mind completely go along with the story line. Authors such as Francine Rivers, Tracie Peterson, Janette Oke, and Robert Whitlow are some of my favorites. Their description and insight into characters shows the process by which others turn their lives over to Christ. The novels reach inside me and pull at my emotions and show me that others have problems to solve, too. We have to remember that His plan is greater than our. If we focus on Him, we can be a testimony to others. They will see the difference God makes in my life and I can share His word with them.
Spending time outside and looking at nature is another way that I can draw close to God. My mind will often just look at the landscape or the sky above and I can realize that the world around us is something that God has created. I can look at the petals of an open flower, the green and brown hues of the landscape, and the blue hues of the sky above and see His hand there. I can look at the colors of a rainbow after the rain and recall His promise to mankind given in Genesis. Looking at the wings of a hummingbird flapping rapidly or a picture of a butterfly sipping nectar with his wings tightly against his body inspire me. The more I look at things around me, the more I appreciate what God has done and realize that He can handle everything. In Colossians 1:15 we are told “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.” God’s world is his canvas of colors painted just for us.
I have always been a people watcher. Taking time to look, really look at people and their faces also show insights into God’s world. The face reveals so much. Often I can see the emotions etched on the face. They can range from despair to hope or joy or contentment, or fear. Some people are at peace with the world around them and no matter what happens they seem to be able to handle it. Some people look anxious and are rushed in their daily activities. They walk with a brisk step and are focused on only what needs to be done. They miss seeing others who could use a kind word or may need assistance. When I look, really look into the face of someone I have seen the highest creation of God and am more aware that I am not the only person in the world who has problems.
“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another, love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil or reviling but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.” (I Peter 3:8,9) Taking time to let God to show you something special help us to learn to rest in the Lord. I change my priorities when I take time for others. God sees each of us as an individual and is interested in us and our personal problems. When trials come my way rather than spinning out of control, I can ask God to help me each step of the way. I don’t have to let my emotions control my reactions. When I rest in the Lord my problems seem less insignificant since I don’t carry the burden. God is in control and he can help quiet my anxious spirit. He is the only one who can give me peace and has my best interests in His focus.
The obvious question now is, are you really that good at resting in the Lord? No. I can talk about it and know what I should do but that doesn’t mean that I always do what is right. I am a human with limitations and I often fail short of doing what is right. Many, many times I take over the control of my life and end up feeling stressed out. I worry over things that may never happen and can even let fear take over my life.
I try to read my Bible each day and let God guide me into other directions. Yet there are days when I am too busy to take time to spend with God. It’s not right but I do it and I’m sure that I am not the only one. I try to take time to write every day and putting my thoughts on paper helps me to move away from the busy day and focus on God. As I write and let my thoughts flow along with Him, I have another form or peace or rest. My mind focuses on Him and I can move away from distractions and into His presence.
Resting in the Lord is one of the best ways to live life. He takes over our problems and carries our burdens. He doesn’t want His children to be worried or insecure. Resting means that we have to slow down our pace but when we do, we can better see the world through God’s eyes. He wants us to trust Him. He loves us and cares about us. We can relax and let His spirit flow through us so that we are in touch with His will. Perhaps Psalm 37:7,9, 11 says it best. “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him…those who wait on the Lord shall inherit the earth…and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Peace. Which one of us doesn’t want peace in our lives? We can find it in His arms and He will guide us each day.
Resting in the Lord is not easy. Perhaps it is one of the hardest things to do. We have so many things to accomplish that we often begin our day thinking about what needs to be done. For me, the most important part of my day is the early morning hours. It is the time when I can read my Bible and study without any disturbances. I don’t listen to music because it breaks my concentration. Also, I make it a point not to answer the telephone. Most of us have an answering machine. That is what it is for. Let the phone get the message and wait until later on to check the recording.
Each day that you set aside time for God, He gives you direction and helps you know that He is with you each step of the way. Psalm 46:10 tells us to “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth…The God of Jacob is our refuge.” God is to be praised and if we will quiet our attitude and listen to Him, we will find our day goes easier with Him by our side. If I forget to take time for God, then I have left my best friend waiting for me. God is my only security each day, through both the good times and through the rough times.
Listening to Christian music is another way that I can relax and feel God’s presence. Music has always been a part of my life. My favorite Christian songs are hymns and praise and worship songs. Famous Christian people like Fanny Crosby, Selah, Point of Grace, and Lauren Talley have written down their thoughts about their relationship with Christ. As I listen to the songs and their message, I feel calmer. And sometimes I feel so close to God that I join along and sing with the music. Psalm 69:30 says “I will praise the name of God with a song and will magnify him with Thanksgiving.” In the Old Testament even King Saul had David come into his room and play music to calm his troubled spirit. The Bible mentions a variety of musical instruments such as the harp, flute, cymbals, and trumpet. We are meant to praise God in song and through music.
Reading Christian novels helps me to relax as I let my mind completely go along with the story line. Authors such as Francine Rivers, Tracie Peterson, Janette Oke, and Robert Whitlow are some of my favorites. Their description and insight into characters shows the process by which others turn their lives over to Christ. The novels reach inside me and pull at my emotions and show me that others have problems to solve, too. We have to remember that His plan is greater than our. If we focus on Him, we can be a testimony to others. They will see the difference God makes in my life and I can share His word with them.
Spending time outside and looking at nature is another way that I can draw close to God. My mind will often just look at the landscape or the sky above and I can realize that the world around us is something that God has created. I can look at the petals of an open flower, the green and brown hues of the landscape, and the blue hues of the sky above and see His hand there. I can look at the colors of a rainbow after the rain and recall His promise to mankind given in Genesis. Looking at the wings of a hummingbird flapping rapidly or a picture of a butterfly sipping nectar with his wings tightly against his body inspire me. The more I look at things around me, the more I appreciate what God has done and realize that He can handle everything. In Colossians 1:15 we are told “For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him.” God’s world is his canvas of colors painted just for us.
I have always been a people watcher. Taking time to look, really look at people and their faces also show insights into God’s world. The face reveals so much. Often I can see the emotions etched on the face. They can range from despair to hope or joy or contentment, or fear. Some people are at peace with the world around them and no matter what happens they seem to be able to handle it. Some people look anxious and are rushed in their daily activities. They walk with a brisk step and are focused on only what needs to be done. They miss seeing others who could use a kind word or may need assistance. When I look, really look into the face of someone I have seen the highest creation of God and am more aware that I am not the only person in the world who has problems.
“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another, love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil or reviling but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.” (I Peter 3:8,9) Taking time to let God to show you something special help us to learn to rest in the Lord. I change my priorities when I take time for others. God sees each of us as an individual and is interested in us and our personal problems. When trials come my way rather than spinning out of control, I can ask God to help me each step of the way. I don’t have to let my emotions control my reactions. When I rest in the Lord my problems seem less insignificant since I don’t carry the burden. God is in control and he can help quiet my anxious spirit. He is the only one who can give me peace and has my best interests in His focus.
The obvious question now is, are you really that good at resting in the Lord? No. I can talk about it and know what I should do but that doesn’t mean that I always do what is right. I am a human with limitations and I often fail short of doing what is right. Many, many times I take over the control of my life and end up feeling stressed out. I worry over things that may never happen and can even let fear take over my life.
I try to read my Bible each day and let God guide me into other directions. Yet there are days when I am too busy to take time to spend with God. It’s not right but I do it and I’m sure that I am not the only one. I try to take time to write every day and putting my thoughts on paper helps me to move away from the busy day and focus on God. As I write and let my thoughts flow along with Him, I have another form or peace or rest. My mind focuses on Him and I can move away from distractions and into His presence.
Resting in the Lord is one of the best ways to live life. He takes over our problems and carries our burdens. He doesn’t want His children to be worried or insecure. Resting means that we have to slow down our pace but when we do, we can better see the world through God’s eyes. He wants us to trust Him. He loves us and cares about us. We can relax and let His spirit flow through us so that we are in touch with His will. Perhaps Psalm 37:7,9, 11 says it best. “Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him…those who wait on the Lord shall inherit the earth…and delight themselves in the abundance of peace.” Peace. Which one of us doesn’t want peace in our lives? We can find it in His arms and He will guide us each day.
Friday, February 16, 2007

Things look differently just before daylight. I have always loved being outside and I enjoy watching the way the day unfolds. It only takes a few minutes, to appreciate the beauty of the day, even if it is raining. From the scattering of dew drops on the blades of grass to the splendor of the sun rising in the sky there is something to behold. The clouds floating in the sky and the birds gracefully making their flight add to the picture. Flowers in the yard, the green colors of the trees and grass, and even the smell of the air after a rain are all part of our Maker’s natural world that He has prepared for our enjoyment.
From an artist’s perspective the colors can be breathtaking. Various shades of blue blend into the sky, yellow and orange colors spread across the sky as the sun rises, and shades of white and beige clouds add to the beauty of the scene. The colors become more vibrant or muted and the painting changes as the minutes become hours. The green hues of the grass and trees can be shaded in, black and gray hues become the colors of birds in the sky, and the arched pattern of a rainbow adds a multitude of colors to the artwork.
As the day comes to a close, a completely new picture unfolds. As the sun sets in the evening hues of yellow, orange and pink stream into rays that mark the end of daylight. Stars shine out in the sky and the white colors of the planets spinning in the universe become part of a whole new canvas. The moon takes its place in the universe casting light on the ground. Fog may settle like a soft blanket on the surface of the ground. The various hues of blue change into darker colors and maybe even appear black. Shades of gray fill in the shadows.
In Genesis Chapter 1, God made everything and His creation is far superior to anything that man could paint or every attempt to create. In Psalms 19:1 we are reminded that “the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork.” God planned each part of our world and “He has made everything beautiful in its time (Ecclesiastes 3:11). His greatest creation is man. We are made in the image of God and He seeks to paint a beautiful picture of each one of us.
We all need to be reminded from time to time that God is the master painter and He is the One who is fashioning our life. Yes, things are not always easy and the colors may become splotched or streaked. Life may become chaotic and pain and suffering can try to choke the life out of each one of us. Does God put down the paintbrush and run away? No. He continues to gently brush the colors into a pleasing pattern that will make our life beautiful for Him. Several years ago I heard a young couple sing a song about God. He was the artist and our lives were the canvas on which He painted. The song reminds each of us that when we take the brush away from God the canvas becomes ruined since we can’t make the strokes as well as God. When we give the brush back to God and let Him paint our life with His colors, the canvas becomes a new work of art and lets the beauty of our life come alive. I have never forgotten that song since I felt that it accurately portrayed what I had experienced in life. My attempt to do things my own way always failed and not until I gave my life back to God did I have peace.
When life gets hard, I take a few moments to look at God’s world through His eyes. It may take me a while to get relaxed but if I stand still and look at nature I can usually keep things in perspective. Then I will usually lift my eyes to heaven and ask God for help. When I stop struggling with my problem and turn it over to Him, then the result is something that I never expected. After all, God is the Master who created the world and has put me here for a purpose. Each day He adds a few more brushstrokes to my canvas and molds me to be more like Him. Who else but God can give me the direction I need and paint my portrait to be just like Him?
Thursday, February 8, 2007
CHANGES. Have you ever thought about changes in life and they affect you? Change is not easy and often circumstances in life bring about changes—changes that are not always comfortable. I have moved a lot throughout my life, mainly due to my husband’s work, and each time it wasn’t easy to leave old friends behind. Over the years we have moved eight times and each time it was hard and our emotions seemed to go from excitement, fear, joy, depression, and complete exhaustion. There is so much to do when you move—schedule the date of the move, sell your present home and search for a “new” home in the area where you will be living. You have to notify the post office where you live about your new change of address. Everything in the old house needs to be packed and loaded into a van. Then there is the actual trip and the process of getting unpacked. You have all those boxes that are covering most of the floor to sort through and put away. You have to be sure that your change of address has been given to the “new” post office. Other businesses and companies have to be notified about your new address. All those pesky bills that you would like to leave behind eventually find their way to your new home and things seem to be getting back to normal. It may take some time to unpack and put things away but somehow you manage to get settled in.
There are other changes that are just as difficult to work through in life. Around the age of 20-30 most people decide whether to stay single or to get married. Marriage means that two people must adapt to living with each other. There is the need for compromise and sensitivity towards your mate. There is the anticipation of looking forward to children or maybe the chance to further your career. Divorce occurs when the marriage falls apart for whatever reason. Both individuals have to learn to live alone and handle tasks that were once shared. The house “sounds” quieter and legal documents have to be filed. If there are children involved there is the issue of custody.
Sickness forces us to spend time alone being sure to take care of ourselves until our health returns. It sometimes takes us to the hospital where we depend on the doctors and nurses to help us recover. It can range from something as simple as a cold or the flu to something as complex as open heart surgery or cancer. A death in the family causes another change—learning to accept the fact that someone you really loved is gone. It may be due to an unexpected incident like an accident or the death may be a result of a long term sickness that lingered for a year or more. You have memories to cherish but there is no more face-to-face interaction with your loved one. Maybe for the first time you realize just how much you depended on the person who died.
Legal problems force us to look at another set of changes. Laws differ from state to state and documents have to be prepared for future reference. Copies of the mortgage, bill of sale, and listing personal property are just a few that have to be handled. Laws also force us to deal with justice—laws that are broken carry a punishment and those who break the law must deal with the consequences. Laws govern a major portion of our life and keepingup with them is considered your responsibility.
Financial problems also cause some type of change. An increase in salary is great but the added money means thinking about income tax as well as state and local taxes. Medical insurance and money for retirement have to be factored in as a way to distribute part of your salary. Bills must be paid but if the money is not there you will have to work with the various companies that need their money repaid. Bankruptcy completely depletes the individual who has faced difficult problems. Money is gone and wages can be garnished to help repay some debts. Do you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 11? How long does it stay on your record? Do I use a lawyer to help file paperwork, or do I try to work through everything by yourself.
Change is very much a part of our life today. With all the changes we have to face from day to day, it is comforting to read “For I am the Lord, I do not change.” (Malachi 3:6). When you are faced with change and feel overwhelmed, it is reassuring to know that God never changes. He is always there and He can help us through all the changes. Life is sometimes very hard and will test our patience. It will bring you to a point that you have to decide if trusting in the Lord is the best way to handle everything. Emotions can make the changes even harder especially if you are overtired or over-committed. Changes in our health help us to see that our human body is weak and needs to be taken care of.
Thank you God for always being there and for the promise that you do not change. My human capabilities have put me through numerous testings and trials. I realize that I can’t handle my problems and I accept that you are the one constant stable force in my life. With you at my side I can go through the changes and learn that the changes are for a reason, a reason that I may not see at first, but one that helps me to grow spiritually. I need to be ready to walk with you through life and let you guide me through the changes that challenge my growth.
There are other changes that are just as difficult to work through in life. Around the age of 20-30 most people decide whether to stay single or to get married. Marriage means that two people must adapt to living with each other. There is the need for compromise and sensitivity towards your mate. There is the anticipation of looking forward to children or maybe the chance to further your career. Divorce occurs when the marriage falls apart for whatever reason. Both individuals have to learn to live alone and handle tasks that were once shared. The house “sounds” quieter and legal documents have to be filed. If there are children involved there is the issue of custody.
Sickness forces us to spend time alone being sure to take care of ourselves until our health returns. It sometimes takes us to the hospital where we depend on the doctors and nurses to help us recover. It can range from something as simple as a cold or the flu to something as complex as open heart surgery or cancer. A death in the family causes another change—learning to accept the fact that someone you really loved is gone. It may be due to an unexpected incident like an accident or the death may be a result of a long term sickness that lingered for a year or more. You have memories to cherish but there is no more face-to-face interaction with your loved one. Maybe for the first time you realize just how much you depended on the person who died.
Legal problems force us to look at another set of changes. Laws differ from state to state and documents have to be prepared for future reference. Copies of the mortgage, bill of sale, and listing personal property are just a few that have to be handled. Laws also force us to deal with justice—laws that are broken carry a punishment and those who break the law must deal with the consequences. Laws govern a major portion of our life and keepingup with them is considered your responsibility.
Financial problems also cause some type of change. An increase in salary is great but the added money means thinking about income tax as well as state and local taxes. Medical insurance and money for retirement have to be factored in as a way to distribute part of your salary. Bills must be paid but if the money is not there you will have to work with the various companies that need their money repaid. Bankruptcy completely depletes the individual who has faced difficult problems. Money is gone and wages can be garnished to help repay some debts. Do you file Chapter 7 or Chapter 11? How long does it stay on your record? Do I use a lawyer to help file paperwork, or do I try to work through everything by yourself.
Change is very much a part of our life today. With all the changes we have to face from day to day, it is comforting to read “For I am the Lord, I do not change.” (Malachi 3:6). When you are faced with change and feel overwhelmed, it is reassuring to know that God never changes. He is always there and He can help us through all the changes. Life is sometimes very hard and will test our patience. It will bring you to a point that you have to decide if trusting in the Lord is the best way to handle everything. Emotions can make the changes even harder especially if you are overtired or over-committed. Changes in our health help us to see that our human body is weak and needs to be taken care of.
Thank you God for always being there and for the promise that you do not change. My human capabilities have put me through numerous testings and trials. I realize that I can’t handle my problems and I accept that you are the one constant stable force in my life. With you at my side I can go through the changes and learn that the changes are for a reason, a reason that I may not see at first, but one that helps me to grow spiritually. I need to be ready to walk with you through life and let you guide me through the changes that challenge my growth.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Did you ever try to get something done only to find that you keep getting interrupted? It seems like just when I think I have time to focus on a task that something happens that changes my focus. Tonight I was trying to relax and read a book or just watch some TV. I had been gone a little over a week visiting my grandchildren in Atlanta. I needed to catch up on laundry, check email, and try to play catch up with errands at home.
Throughout the day you could hear the cry of a cat as he followed me throughout the house. We have a Bengal and they have about 20 different ways to vocalize and talk to you. Several small chatters meant that he was looking at the birds by the feeder outside. A sharp and loud cry that was repeated over and over was the cry he used to help find me in the house, especially when he had no idea where I was. Another type of meow was made when Beau sat by the door going down into the basement. We had other cats in the basement and although we had tried to put the cats together, Beau Chase had decided that he was going to rule the house. More than once I had seen tufts of black or white hair flying in the house as Beau put everyone else in their respective place. In the kitchen whenever the microwave beeped, he made a cry that alerted me that it was time for his cooked chicken. He stretched out his body and reached as high as he could towards the microwave waiting patiently for his snack. There was another type of meow that he made when you were in one room and the door was closed. He wanted in to keep you company and he knew how to get your attention.
On this particular day he seemed restless. I thought he wanted in my lap but when he tried to snuggle down, he jumped on something else like the table and looked out the window. It seemed like no matter what I did I couldn’t figure out exactly what he wanted. It wasn’t until I sat down and stayed put for longer than five minutes that he climbed up into my lap. Oh, he had climbed up before and I had put him down after a while so I could go on with my tasks. But he seemed restless. It seemed like he wanted to spend time with me but for some reason he couldn’t relax. After many times of hearing his cry, I did something different. I allowed myself time to relax—actually relax and calm down- and within no time the cat slowly snuggled down into my arms and fell asleep. I sat there watching the muscles relax and listen to the quiet breathing of a cat that was perfectly content to do nothing but rest peacefully in my arms. I sat there for almost an hour watching TV and having a cat curled up in my lap. It helped me to relax and forget about all the problems I had been trying to solve. And all of a sudden I discovered a new type of joy. Just watching a cat peacefully sleep was a new adventure. All I had really had to do throughout the day was take a little time with the cat and he was content.
As I thought about this short picture of life I realized that our life is just like that in our relationship with God. God is always there but sometimes we need to be assured that everything is all right. In the security of his arms we are reassured, loved and encouraged. Just to know that He is there and cares for is a key element of Christianity. I don't have to run around all day trying to get His attention. He's always there. Just like the cat curled up in my arms, we can feel protected in the arms of God and realize that He is there for us if only we will call upon His name. We all need security and where else to get it than from a God who cares. (Proverbs 1:33 But whoever listens to me will dwell safely. And I will be secure, without fear of evil.")
Today is Wednesday--the middle of the week. For me, it is a day I look forward to since it is choir practice. As long as I can remember music has been a part of my life. I learned to play the saxophone and took piano lesssons when I was in high school. I took voice lessons and sang solos in almost every church that we attended. I learned to play the flute when I was in my 40's . My children were involved in band and I attended recitals and did what I could to help out. I have helped to document and organize music for my church. Yes, music has been very much a part of my life.
I realize that there are all kinds of music in our world. There is soft rock, hard rock, rhythm and blues, rap, jazz and opera. And many people do like some of this music. That does not necessarily mean that all types of music are bad. My husband likes opera and while I can listen to it for a while, after a song or two I want to listen to something else. For me, opera doesn’t help to relax me. I think everyone should be able to have their own preferences but I do think the music that you listen to should be songs that edify your relationship to Christ and that speak to you in some way. I like country music but it is the beat of the music that I like. One church that we attended had Southern gospel music and the beat is similar to country. If I had to choose, the words in Southern gospel music focus more on Christ rather than the typical country music. Many recording artists are now adding some type of Christian music to their repertoire. Alan Jackson recently recorded a gospel CD and Carrie Underwood’s latest hit “Jesus Take the Wheel” are just a couple of artists who have given God credit for being a part of their life.
Music brings a different perspective to my life. The words of favorite hymns and praise and worship songs help me to better see how others express their ideas of God and his many attributes. These are the songs that I grew up with and that for the most part I can sing without even looking at the words. I love Christian and praise and worship songs, classical, and instrumental music from some movie soundtracks. Music can lift up my spirit or soothe my inner spirit with peace as I listen to the melody and words. The words of favorite hymns and praise and worship songs help me to better see how others express their ideas of God and his many attributes. This multifaceted face of music is also mentioned several times in the Bible. All sorts of musical instruments--the flute, lyre, cymbals, tambourine, harp, horn and trumpet and stringed instruments are mentioned, especially in the Old Testament.
But where does the real music really come from? The music and harmony come from the Lord who helps us along our journey in life. Life can be really hard at times yet if the Lord gives you a song in your heart, you can work your way through almost anything if you will let Him fill your inner soul with music. The day may be cloudy or rainy or covered with ice and snow yet there should be some type of song in your heart. You may not know the words but the Bible tells us in Proverbs 15:13a that "a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance". Others may not understand exactly what is going on in our lives but if we allow our heart to sing with the praises of God others will see His glow on your face and know that something is giving us inner strength. That can open a door to share the gospel and let others know that God loves them too.
I realize that there are all kinds of music in our world. There is soft rock, hard rock, rhythm and blues, rap, jazz and opera. And many people do like some of this music. That does not necessarily mean that all types of music are bad. My husband likes opera and while I can listen to it for a while, after a song or two I want to listen to something else. For me, opera doesn’t help to relax me. I think everyone should be able to have their own preferences but I do think the music that you listen to should be songs that edify your relationship to Christ and that speak to you in some way. I like country music but it is the beat of the music that I like. One church that we attended had Southern gospel music and the beat is similar to country. If I had to choose, the words in Southern gospel music focus more on Christ rather than the typical country music. Many recording artists are now adding some type of Christian music to their repertoire. Alan Jackson recently recorded a gospel CD and Carrie Underwood’s latest hit “Jesus Take the Wheel” are just a couple of artists who have given God credit for being a part of their life.
Music brings a different perspective to my life. The words of favorite hymns and praise and worship songs help me to better see how others express their ideas of God and his many attributes. These are the songs that I grew up with and that for the most part I can sing without even looking at the words. I love Christian and praise and worship songs, classical, and instrumental music from some movie soundtracks. Music can lift up my spirit or soothe my inner spirit with peace as I listen to the melody and words. The words of favorite hymns and praise and worship songs help me to better see how others express their ideas of God and his many attributes. This multifaceted face of music is also mentioned several times in the Bible. All sorts of musical instruments--the flute, lyre, cymbals, tambourine, harp, horn and trumpet and stringed instruments are mentioned, especially in the Old Testament.
But where does the real music really come from? The music and harmony come from the Lord who helps us along our journey in life. Life can be really hard at times yet if the Lord gives you a song in your heart, you can work your way through almost anything if you will let Him fill your inner soul with music. The day may be cloudy or rainy or covered with ice and snow yet there should be some type of song in your heart. You may not know the words but the Bible tells us in Proverbs 15:13a that "a merry heart makes a cheerful countenance". Others may not understand exactly what is going on in our lives but if we allow our heart to sing with the praises of God others will see His glow on your face and know that something is giving us inner strength. That can open a door to share the gospel and let others know that God loves them too.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
I usually don’t have many quiet days but today was one of those rare ones. It seemed hard to relax at first but as the day wore on, I found that the more I tried to relax the easier it eventually became. This helped my inner feelings and calmed my spirit. Psalm 46:10 says that we should “Be still and know that I am God.” All too often in the past I would rush through the day with my little list of things to do. After each thing was accomplished I would make a check mark and go on! I felt frazzled at the end of the day.
Oh, if I only had taken time to slow down and look at what was going on around me! All the little things that I took time to notice when I was a kid I had forgotten to observe in my rush to grow up as an adult. The way that the world unfolded before me always held my attention. The petals on a flower would fascinate me and the ladybug that inched its way along a leaf intrigued me. There were the beautiful colors of a rainbow after a spring shower and the white puffs of clouds in a topaz sky. The smells of everything from the scent of fresh air after a rain to the fragrance of a rose or gardenia. The smell of newly mown hay in the field away from the house. The fresh smell of bread baking in the oven and the smell of a fresh pine tree in the living room ready for decorating at Christmas seemed to linger in the air. There are tastes that are tantalizing, all sorts of smell, a cacophony of sights to see, and all sorts of textures to feel and consider.
And, of course, there was the unpleasant side of the coin. The smell of a skunk made me wrinkle up my nose. The unpleasant smells of a barn filled with cattle or horses or the harsh smell of a pen full of pigs were ones that I disliked. The dark color of a night when the stars were not visible seemed almost pitch black and I felt insecure. The scurrying of a cockroach or a spider crawling through the dirt, or even worse in a corner of the house, alarmed me. The smell of hot tar on the surface of the highway while construction was under way and the sight of a rotting carcass along the road were both unpleasant.
Yes, I noticed a lot of things while I was growing up. But the one thing I never paid attention to were the faces of people made in the image of God. I considered people as being young, old or even older. I looked up to others who were ahead of me in classes at school. Some faces were familiar and others were strangers who I had not seen before. But the faces of people made in the image of God are fascinating. No matter where we go, people are around us and we can learn much about their story just from looking at their face. The faces may be sad, happy, mad, or having tears streaming down the front of the face, but each person needs encouragement. Interaction with other people is part of living here. These people who really need to know God are there in my sight and I can be the one person who can give them a new perspective if I will take a little time to slow down. Everyone needs a friend and a little help sometime in their life. Without slowing down the pace of a busy day, we miss so many opportunities to help others. We miss the wonderful painting of God’s handiwork and brush strokes. And if we can’t see all that is in the world around us, how can we even begin to hear God’s small voice giving us direction?
So for today my schedule was a little slower and I had time to appreciate the day and all the little things that God brought into focus. I walked outside and looked, really looked at the landscaping. I raised my eyes to the sky to watch the birds in flight. And I paused for some time watching the hummingbird at the feeder sip the nectar. And, for the first time, I took time to look at the faces of people around me. People in my neighborhood, people at the grocery store, and people lined up at WalMart to pay for their purchases. Yes, they did have a story to tell and my goal was to say “Hi” and give them a little encouragement.
Thanks God for helping me to see your world through your eyes and for bringing out the little kid in me again.
Oh, if I only had taken time to slow down and look at what was going on around me! All the little things that I took time to notice when I was a kid I had forgotten to observe in my rush to grow up as an adult. The way that the world unfolded before me always held my attention. The petals on a flower would fascinate me and the ladybug that inched its way along a leaf intrigued me. There were the beautiful colors of a rainbow after a spring shower and the white puffs of clouds in a topaz sky. The smells of everything from the scent of fresh air after a rain to the fragrance of a rose or gardenia. The smell of newly mown hay in the field away from the house. The fresh smell of bread baking in the oven and the smell of a fresh pine tree in the living room ready for decorating at Christmas seemed to linger in the air. There are tastes that are tantalizing, all sorts of smell, a cacophony of sights to see, and all sorts of textures to feel and consider.
And, of course, there was the unpleasant side of the coin. The smell of a skunk made me wrinkle up my nose. The unpleasant smells of a barn filled with cattle or horses or the harsh smell of a pen full of pigs were ones that I disliked. The dark color of a night when the stars were not visible seemed almost pitch black and I felt insecure. The scurrying of a cockroach or a spider crawling through the dirt, or even worse in a corner of the house, alarmed me. The smell of hot tar on the surface of the highway while construction was under way and the sight of a rotting carcass along the road were both unpleasant.
Yes, I noticed a lot of things while I was growing up. But the one thing I never paid attention to were the faces of people made in the image of God. I considered people as being young, old or even older. I looked up to others who were ahead of me in classes at school. Some faces were familiar and others were strangers who I had not seen before. But the faces of people made in the image of God are fascinating. No matter where we go, people are around us and we can learn much about their story just from looking at their face. The faces may be sad, happy, mad, or having tears streaming down the front of the face, but each person needs encouragement. Interaction with other people is part of living here. These people who really need to know God are there in my sight and I can be the one person who can give them a new perspective if I will take a little time to slow down. Everyone needs a friend and a little help sometime in their life. Without slowing down the pace of a busy day, we miss so many opportunities to help others. We miss the wonderful painting of God’s handiwork and brush strokes. And if we can’t see all that is in the world around us, how can we even begin to hear God’s small voice giving us direction?
So for today my schedule was a little slower and I had time to appreciate the day and all the little things that God brought into focus. I walked outside and looked, really looked at the landscaping. I raised my eyes to the sky to watch the birds in flight. And I paused for some time watching the hummingbird at the feeder sip the nectar. And, for the first time, I took time to look at the faces of people around me. People in my neighborhood, people at the grocery store, and people lined up at WalMart to pay for their purchases. Yes, they did have a story to tell and my goal was to say “Hi” and give them a little encouragement.
Thanks God for helping me to see your world through your eyes and for bringing out the little kid in me again.
Monday, February 5, 2007
This praise and worship song has been going through my mind. "He is able, more than able to accomplish what concerns me today. He is able, more than able to handle anything that comes my way. He is able, more than able to do much more than I could ever dream. He is able, more than able to make me what He wants me to be." Hebrews 2:13 tells us "I will put my trust in Him". In 2 Timothy 2:12 Paul writes "For I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day". God wants us to praise Him and He will be with us throughout life.
There are times in everyone's life when trials and testings come into your life. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and not be certain which direction to go next. The words of this praise song really shows the way in which God handles those trying moments. He can take care of all my worries and concerns--I don't have to shoulder the responsibility for all that has happened. Sure, I may be have to admit that I made a mistake, but God's forgiveness is there to give me comfort and to help me realize that there are larger issues than the ones I see.
Too often in our life we try to hard to handle everything that comes along our way. We are human beings with physical and mental limits and our body and mind needs to come away from the problems of everyday living and rest and trust in God. More than once I have faced a problem that I just couldn't see the good that could come out of it. But through the testing I found that God strengthened my faith in Him. He has a plan that is greater than ours--we just need to give our problems, concerns, and fears over to Him. He will handle eveything. Eventually we may see the good that comes from our daily life and will grow closer to Him.
There are times in everyone's life when trials and testings come into your life. It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and not be certain which direction to go next. The words of this praise song really shows the way in which God handles those trying moments. He can take care of all my worries and concerns--I don't have to shoulder the responsibility for all that has happened. Sure, I may be have to admit that I made a mistake, but God's forgiveness is there to give me comfort and to help me realize that there are larger issues than the ones I see.
Too often in our life we try to hard to handle everything that comes along our way. We are human beings with physical and mental limits and our body and mind needs to come away from the problems of everyday living and rest and trust in God. More than once I have faced a problem that I just couldn't see the good that could come out of it. But through the testing I found that God strengthened my faith in Him. He has a plan that is greater than ours--we just need to give our problems, concerns, and fears over to Him. He will handle eveything. Eventually we may see the good that comes from our daily life and will grow closer to Him.
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