Thursday, July 26, 2007

I'm back and writing again...

Hi Everyone! For those of you who are regular readers, I have been taking a couple of months off and have been writing for a Christian website. The site has a weekly challenge and the topic changes from things like "happy", "embarrassed", "confident", or other emotions. Topics like music, children's stories, shopping, adventure or teacher are also part fo the challenge topics. It tests my ability to write on a specific topic and has a word count restriction. It has been a real learning experience.

As for other things that have kept me busy, I have made two trips to Atlanta and will be going there again this week. It's always fun to take some time to spoil my grandchildren. We have taken long weekends to visit our other boys. We haven't seen Jason yet but we are looking forward to seeing him over Labor Day weekend.

My goal for now is to try to spend more time on this blog and hopefully my brain can give me some new thoughts or stories.

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