Cats are amazing animals. They love to curl up on a couch or bask in a sunny window. Although many owners love keeping their cats outdoors, I prefer to keep my own cats indoors. My own cat Beau is one of my indoor cats and his antics keep me entertained. He has his own condo near the large picture window which is his television to the outdoors. He is intrigued with the squirrels, raccoons, and other cats who are infringing on his territory as they lounge on the deck or search for food. These intruders are infringing on his territory and he slinks along the floor waiting to pounce on them. He loves watching the birds outdoors who come to eat at the feeder located just outside the window. He chatters and talks to them and again he attempts to catch a feathered friend or two. And should any insect come inside the house and fly around the room, his eyes never stop studying the “bug”. He plans his method of attack carefully and usually manages to get a delicious meal when they land nearby.
Just as much as Beau is fascinated with the outdoors, he is insistent on showing me that he is the one who is in charge at home. When I sit down to watch a program on television or get comfortable with reading a book, I can expect my cat to jump up on my lap and find a way to curl up in my arms and sleep. If I take time to sit down and try to use the computer, he jumps up and works hard to gain my attention. But should I want to pick Beau up and hold him, he seems disinterested. He is the “boss” and I have to play by his rules. I am the one who has to learn his language. Perhaps that is the reason that I love cats. I like their independence. They teach me their language and habits. They show me how to relax and to slow down the busy pace of life. Even in taking a nap, the cat stretches and totally relaxes his muscles. Yes, the lessons that a feline can teach me are invaluable.
In my spiritual walk, God is the instructor who teaches me how to lean upon Him. Psalm 25:4 states “Make your ways known to me, teach me your paths” My Christian walk needs to focus on following God’s pattern. He speaks to me through his Word and shows me how to trust in Him. Proverbs 9:21 reinforces the interest God has in man. “For a man’s ways are before the Lord’s eyes and he considers all His paths.” (Proverbs 9:21) God has a special interest in me and just like I take time to watch the cat and learn from his little quirks, God watches over me and guides me with His love. Learning to step out in faith and follow his leading gradually shapes my life so that it will begin to conform to His likeness. God is My instructor who shows me the pathway along life and keeps His eye on me (Psalm 32:8). Yes, this is the way to peace and a fulfilled life that will remove the stress and worry from my day to day living. Guide me with Your eye and let me follow your counsel.
*All passages are from the Holman Christian Study Bible