“May I help you?” asked Mike, the salesman at the computer department.
“We are looking for a new computer. Our old hard drive is acting up and we would like to buy a complete new system.”
The computer salesman looked knowledgeable and since a computer is a rather expensive item, we had questions that needed to be answered. We had already been in a couple of other competitor stores, so we knew what was available. We had researched several models and had also spent time over the phone discussing computers with our sons who are experienced computer technicians. Getting a good price was important and we didn’t want to buy one model only to learn later that another model was better.
We located a video game set-up on a computer nearby and decided to spend our time there until Mike could finish up his current sale. After a few minutes, Mike listened to our specifications and directed us to the display of computers. He showed us a new model that met most of our needs. We felt like we were really making progress, but in the middle of everything, Mike dismissed himself to go to the restroom. He returned several minutes later and we returned to the discussion about computers. Within a few minutes Mike had to leave the area to turn off the alarm that was ringing in the digital camera section. He returned to finish the discussion, but once again the alarm rang and he left the area.
Since we had been doing comparison shopping, we mentioned the price of a similar item at another store. Mike made the phone call and verified that the prices were both the same. Comparison shopping is very much a part of computer shopping and since the cost of the entire system would be around $900, we wanted to be sure that we were satisfied with everything.
The salesman directed us to the display of computers and showed us a new model that met most of our needs. The complete package was just over $900. Everything seemed to be going quite well until the salesman excused himself for a bathroom break. From there the experience went downward. On at least two other occasions Mike left during our conversation to shut off the alarm that kept going off in the camera department. He did take the time to research a comparable with another competitor and did verify that the prices were the same.
With all the interruptions we decided that we would go ahead and purchase the computer. We had waited patiently for almost an hour and in a few minutes more we could walk out the store with our computer and take it home and set it up. Mike left again, but this time when he came back he told us that the system was out of stock. Perhaps I am not as tolerant as most people, but checking the availability of the computer system at the beginning of the presentation would have saved all of us a lot of time. And, just as we were ready to leave, the alarm in the camera department went off again. Mike just couldn’t stay focused because of the interruptions throughout the day.
We returned to another store where we knew the item was in stock and bought the computer system there. It may have cost a little more overall but the service we received made the experience positive. It just didn’t seem that the customer was top priority in the store where Mike worked. We lost an hour of our day while waiting for answers to questions which was really unnecessary.
Trying to keep concentrated on one task seems to be a problem for me right now. I usually haven’t had much trouble in this area but recently there have been so many interruptions that I have lost my sense of direction. I may start one task and be asked to work on another one that needs my attention. During this time, my focus is changed and it is twice as hard to get back to the original problem that I was solving. We have to keep our eyes on our goals or we will not feel satisfied because the original ones have been pushed off to the side.
The same is true for Christians. We live in a world where everything calls out for our attention. The lure of money, the enticement of parties and having fun, and the desire for sexual satisfaction through worldly examples are just a few of the temptations that can get us off course. We have to keep our eyes on Christ and His example to be sure that we walk close to Him. In Psalm 32:8 we read, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. I will guide you with My eye.” And in Psalm 119:18 we see that David requests “Open my eyes that I may see wondrous things from Your law”. Notice that the emphasis is on the eyes. The eyes that see and give us direction are important and help us to stay focused on the goals we set. These goals should include any specific directions or guidance that comes from God and the Holy Spirit. Without that, we wander around aimlessly and fail to see the blessings that God has for us.
Give special attention to the direction you are moving in life and see if you are truly focused on God and His will for your life. If not, then ask Him to show you the way so that you will not miss out on the blessings He has for you. Let your eyes look to Him so that you can follow the right path. By committing your life to Him you can be motivated and can keep your concentration on the right things.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
The moving van stopped at the one story ranch house. It had been a long drive to Arkansas and the reality of everything was just sinking in. Part of moving was fun and there was always an adventure along the way but the fact was that moving took a lot of work and involved plenty of changes. We had moved with our faithful companion Peanut, a mixed terrier. He was ten years when we moved so he had been a part of our family for quite some time.
Everyone had to make adjustments and we no longer had a fenced yard. Peanut was either on a leash or tied up in the front yard so that he could not wander away. It wasn’t long until I noticed a problem. More than one dog ran through the neighborhood and no one seemed to care. Leash laws were in effect but no one ever enforced them. On two different occasions our mutt was attacked by the German shepherd next door. The first incident found our dog at the mercy of the German shepherd and the teeth marks had torn into the skin and required stitches. The second time the same dog attacked our mutt and almost put puncture wounds through his abdomen. The problems with dogs had gotten out of hand and I was determined to watch the yard even more closely.
My next brush with dogs in the area happened when I observed one of our neighbors walking down our street. Her two dogs were running ahead of her and they roamed freely wherever they wanted to. My yard was no exception. It was just another area to them, and the owner did nothing to keep them walking with her. After I had observed this more than once, I decided to ask politely if she would keep her dogs on a leash. The last thing I wanted was another dog attacking my terrier.
Walking out to the street, I asked as politely as I could if she would please keep her dogs on a leash. I explained that my dog had already been attacked and I wanted to avoid any further problems. With all the frustration and anger that she could muster, she looked at me and boldly stated, “How dare you tell me that I can’t walk down this street! I’ll walk down any street that I please.” And with an uplifted chin and plenty of arrogance the neighbor walked away. She avoided our street for a while but her dogs were allowed to roam through the neighborhood.
What I noticed most was the fact that when she was asked to keep her dogs on a leash, the neighbor heard something entirely different. At no point did I ever tell her she couldn’t walk down the street. I wanted a little courtesy and consideration and yet I got much more than I bargained for. I had an angry neighbor who was upset for no obvious reason other than that she didn’t want to be held accountable for her actions.
Throughout life we meet all kinds of people. The thing I remember most about this experience was that this neighbor heard only what she wanted to hear. We all need to listen and hear what others are saying. “Listen carefully to me” are four words hidden within Isaiah 55:2. It is a skill that God wants us to develop. In John 8:43 we read “Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word”.
God speaks to us and yet we fail to listen to His voice and avoid getting into His word where we get guidance. Hebrews 4:11 illustrates that we can “become dull of hearing”. And Isaiah 65:12 reminds us that “When I called you did not answer; when I spoke you did not hear”. In our own lives we are often too busy to connect with others. We tune out the real conversations we have with others because we are too preoccupied. Not only do we ignore others in the world around us; we neglect to listen to God’s call and become hard of hearing his advice. Evaluate your own life and see if you are truly hearing God. If not, make a choice to listen, really listen to His voice and His word.
Everyone had to make adjustments and we no longer had a fenced yard. Peanut was either on a leash or tied up in the front yard so that he could not wander away. It wasn’t long until I noticed a problem. More than one dog ran through the neighborhood and no one seemed to care. Leash laws were in effect but no one ever enforced them. On two different occasions our mutt was attacked by the German shepherd next door. The first incident found our dog at the mercy of the German shepherd and the teeth marks had torn into the skin and required stitches. The second time the same dog attacked our mutt and almost put puncture wounds through his abdomen. The problems with dogs had gotten out of hand and I was determined to watch the yard even more closely.
My next brush with dogs in the area happened when I observed one of our neighbors walking down our street. Her two dogs were running ahead of her and they roamed freely wherever they wanted to. My yard was no exception. It was just another area to them, and the owner did nothing to keep them walking with her. After I had observed this more than once, I decided to ask politely if she would keep her dogs on a leash. The last thing I wanted was another dog attacking my terrier.
Walking out to the street, I asked as politely as I could if she would please keep her dogs on a leash. I explained that my dog had already been attacked and I wanted to avoid any further problems. With all the frustration and anger that she could muster, she looked at me and boldly stated, “How dare you tell me that I can’t walk down this street! I’ll walk down any street that I please.” And with an uplifted chin and plenty of arrogance the neighbor walked away. She avoided our street for a while but her dogs were allowed to roam through the neighborhood.
What I noticed most was the fact that when she was asked to keep her dogs on a leash, the neighbor heard something entirely different. At no point did I ever tell her she couldn’t walk down the street. I wanted a little courtesy and consideration and yet I got much more than I bargained for. I had an angry neighbor who was upset for no obvious reason other than that she didn’t want to be held accountable for her actions.
Throughout life we meet all kinds of people. The thing I remember most about this experience was that this neighbor heard only what she wanted to hear. We all need to listen and hear what others are saying. “Listen carefully to me” are four words hidden within Isaiah 55:2. It is a skill that God wants us to develop. In John 8:43 we read “Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word”.
God speaks to us and yet we fail to listen to His voice and avoid getting into His word where we get guidance. Hebrews 4:11 illustrates that we can “become dull of hearing”. And Isaiah 65:12 reminds us that “When I called you did not answer; when I spoke you did not hear”. In our own lives we are often too busy to connect with others. We tune out the real conversations we have with others because we are too preoccupied. Not only do we ignore others in the world around us; we neglect to listen to God’s call and become hard of hearing his advice. Evaluate your own life and see if you are truly hearing God. If not, make a choice to listen, really listen to His voice and His word.
My name is Kevin and what I am about to tell you is something that actually happened one night while I was working. I am a senior at Tyler High School and I have a part-time job to earn some extra cash for spending.
4:00 AM--- I was busy on the floor of the discount store working methodically to open the boxes of items on pallets that need to be put on the shelf. It wasn’t easy being on the late night shift and the work was tedious and monotonous. Music played through the store to help lift everyone’s attitude. The time between 3:00 and 4:00 was the hardest time of all. It simply was hard to stay awake.
I had worked hard to keep everything organized and with only a couple of hours to finish my shift I was looking forward to getting home. Most of the furniture boxes had been stocked and I was almost finished when I heard the sound. The clip, clop, clip, clop sound resonated on the linoleum floor and seemed out of place. I didn’t check to see what was going on for a while but after still hearing the noise, I became curious. Just as I walked into the center aisle I saw the most bizarre picture. I still can’t believe what I saw.
Two young men sat atop chestnut mares and were making their way down the aisle of the store. Both of the men looked to be about 21 and they were riding and laughing as if what they were doing was normal. Horses? In a discount store? You have got to be kidding? Yet, here it was right before my eyes. It took a moment for the shock to wear off.
I tried to figure exactly why the horses were in the store and I came up with four possibilities. Perhaps the young men had been challenged by their peers to pull this stunt just to prove that they could do it. Maybe it was part of a college fraternity initiation rite. There was the chance that they were on drugs and actually didn’t realize exactly what they were doing. The only other possibility was they both decided to do something “wild” just for fun and to see if they could get away with it. No matter what the reason, I stood there in astonishment as the team headed back towards the rear doors and then disappeared.
Everyone on the night staff began to talk about the incident. Most everyone had reacted with shock just like me. By now, everyone was laughing. It just didn’t seem plausible that something like this could happen. The manager had made his way to the back of the store where the loading docks were located. The floor manager had walked around the store trying to get everyone focused on their task. Boxes had to be opened and merchandise had to be shelved before the morning crew arrived.
The police had been notified of the prank and came into the store to ask questions. It was rather obvious that the officers on duty were not amused by the antics. The two pranksters had to be apprehended and held accountable for their actions. They questioned the manager and anyone else who may have seen the horses either come into the store or exit. This matter was no longer funny. It was serious and several items had to be taken into consideration so that the details of the story were accurate.
What could have been a peaceful night turned into a hectic scene that had consequences for many people. The risks that these two young men took put the safety of everyone in the store in jeopardy. Health concerns had to be dealt with and it was no small task cleaning up before more customers arrived. (Thankfully, I wasn’t part of the clean-up crew!) Adrenaline had taken over and I was fully awake. My intentions of leaving the store and going home to relax wouldn’t happen, at least for a while.
We all have times when we do things that are amusing. We say something in jest or fail to take things seriously. You tease someone without thinking how your words hurt the individual. You get mad while driving and dash out into traffic cutting off another driver ahead of you. You decide to drive through someone’s lawn because you’re angry. You ride with your friends in the country and go along the side of the road knocking down mailboxes. You take a chance at hiding items that you picked up in a store just to see if you can get away with it. No matter what the prank, it may seem insignificant at first but later on it becomes a problem. Dealing with the consequences may be harder than you thought
From a spiritual aspect, we may scoff at what Christians represent and reject the Bible as the Word of God. We may refuse to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. We may feel that there is plenty of time to make a decision to serve Christ and delay taking action to serve Him. We may even think that the principles in the Bible do not directly apply to us. In Luke 6:25b we are admonished “Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.” In the context of the Scripture, Jesus is reminding the rich that pleasures and riches here on earth will not be enough to keep them in heaven. A Christian is certainly allowed to have fun but not at the expense of others. In the end, we will all have to stand before Him and give an accounting for the way we have lived our life. Look carefully at your life and be sure that part of your routine is spending quality time with the Lord. When you stay focused on Him, others will notice a difference. Your walk through life will guide you in the right direction where you can be a testimony to others who are seeking guidance. Can you commit to walking daily with Him?
4:00 AM--- I was busy on the floor of the discount store working methodically to open the boxes of items on pallets that need to be put on the shelf. It wasn’t easy being on the late night shift and the work was tedious and monotonous. Music played through the store to help lift everyone’s attitude. The time between 3:00 and 4:00 was the hardest time of all. It simply was hard to stay awake.
I had worked hard to keep everything organized and with only a couple of hours to finish my shift I was looking forward to getting home. Most of the furniture boxes had been stocked and I was almost finished when I heard the sound. The clip, clop, clip, clop sound resonated on the linoleum floor and seemed out of place. I didn’t check to see what was going on for a while but after still hearing the noise, I became curious. Just as I walked into the center aisle I saw the most bizarre picture. I still can’t believe what I saw.
Two young men sat atop chestnut mares and were making their way down the aisle of the store. Both of the men looked to be about 21 and they were riding and laughing as if what they were doing was normal. Horses? In a discount store? You have got to be kidding? Yet, here it was right before my eyes. It took a moment for the shock to wear off.
I tried to figure exactly why the horses were in the store and I came up with four possibilities. Perhaps the young men had been challenged by their peers to pull this stunt just to prove that they could do it. Maybe it was part of a college fraternity initiation rite. There was the chance that they were on drugs and actually didn’t realize exactly what they were doing. The only other possibility was they both decided to do something “wild” just for fun and to see if they could get away with it. No matter what the reason, I stood there in astonishment as the team headed back towards the rear doors and then disappeared.
Everyone on the night staff began to talk about the incident. Most everyone had reacted with shock just like me. By now, everyone was laughing. It just didn’t seem plausible that something like this could happen. The manager had made his way to the back of the store where the loading docks were located. The floor manager had walked around the store trying to get everyone focused on their task. Boxes had to be opened and merchandise had to be shelved before the morning crew arrived.
The police had been notified of the prank and came into the store to ask questions. It was rather obvious that the officers on duty were not amused by the antics. The two pranksters had to be apprehended and held accountable for their actions. They questioned the manager and anyone else who may have seen the horses either come into the store or exit. This matter was no longer funny. It was serious and several items had to be taken into consideration so that the details of the story were accurate.
What could have been a peaceful night turned into a hectic scene that had consequences for many people. The risks that these two young men took put the safety of everyone in the store in jeopardy. Health concerns had to be dealt with and it was no small task cleaning up before more customers arrived. (Thankfully, I wasn’t part of the clean-up crew!) Adrenaline had taken over and I was fully awake. My intentions of leaving the store and going home to relax wouldn’t happen, at least for a while.
We all have times when we do things that are amusing. We say something in jest or fail to take things seriously. You tease someone without thinking how your words hurt the individual. You get mad while driving and dash out into traffic cutting off another driver ahead of you. You decide to drive through someone’s lawn because you’re angry. You ride with your friends in the country and go along the side of the road knocking down mailboxes. You take a chance at hiding items that you picked up in a store just to see if you can get away with it. No matter what the prank, it may seem insignificant at first but later on it becomes a problem. Dealing with the consequences may be harder than you thought
From a spiritual aspect, we may scoff at what Christians represent and reject the Bible as the Word of God. We may refuse to believe in Jesus as the Son of God. We may feel that there is plenty of time to make a decision to serve Christ and delay taking action to serve Him. We may even think that the principles in the Bible do not directly apply to us. In Luke 6:25b we are admonished “Woe to you who laugh now, for you shall mourn and weep.” In the context of the Scripture, Jesus is reminding the rich that pleasures and riches here on earth will not be enough to keep them in heaven. A Christian is certainly allowed to have fun but not at the expense of others. In the end, we will all have to stand before Him and give an accounting for the way we have lived our life. Look carefully at your life and be sure that part of your routine is spending quality time with the Lord. When you stay focused on Him, others will notice a difference. Your walk through life will guide you in the right direction where you can be a testimony to others who are seeking guidance. Can you commit to walking daily with Him?
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
It was Saturday morning when we headed towards the service station to get our car checked. We had been having problems with the car stalling and stopping. Since we needed the car for transportation, we had to get it fixed. Getting up early and dealing with car problems was something that neither one of us wanted to do.
It seemed like this morning everything went wrong. We had taken our time driving into town hoping that we would make it to the shop before the car died. Near the top of the small hill at the corner of Adams and Van Buren our car stopped. No matter how much we tried to turn the engine over, it just wouldn’t cooperate. Being on a hill didn’t help matters either. We were so close to our destination and yet so far away.
Neither one of us really wanted to make the jaunt to the service station four blocks away. We were tired and frustrated. Just as we were trying to decide which person would go and which one would stay with the car, we noticed a woman about 40 years old. We hadn’t even seen her come up the sidewalk towards our car, but she casually looked into the open window on the passenger side and asked what was wrong. She listened and then to our amazement she asked us to open the hood of the car. She studied the inside, adjusted some part and then asked us to start the car. She told us what was wrong and said the car was safe to get to the service station. By no means should we stop the car or else it would stall again.
Mary was an angel in disguise that day. She walked that way every day and literally seemed to come out of nowhere. She came along at the most opportune time and with a good knowledge of mechanics. She had a good rapport with us and enjoyed helping people. You could tell that she was friendly and I’m guessing that she had helped many other people in need. We told her how appreciative we were. Then we drove the short distance to the service station so the car could be repaired.
On the way home we talked about Mary. It was no coincidence that she happened along the street where we were stalled. We truly believe that God had sent her to us and her help was just what we needed. Later, we drove down the same street where we saw Mary. We looked each time we went in that direction but we never saw Mary again. Her Christian attitude and guidance was something we will never forget. God in His wisdom sent us an angel who gave us a blessing. He is always with us and takes care of us. Open your eyes and see if an angel may be watching over you. And when you see that angel, thank God for His care and love. (Psalm 91:11)
It seemed like this morning everything went wrong. We had taken our time driving into town hoping that we would make it to the shop before the car died. Near the top of the small hill at the corner of Adams and Van Buren our car stopped. No matter how much we tried to turn the engine over, it just wouldn’t cooperate. Being on a hill didn’t help matters either. We were so close to our destination and yet so far away.
Neither one of us really wanted to make the jaunt to the service station four blocks away. We were tired and frustrated. Just as we were trying to decide which person would go and which one would stay with the car, we noticed a woman about 40 years old. We hadn’t even seen her come up the sidewalk towards our car, but she casually looked into the open window on the passenger side and asked what was wrong. She listened and then to our amazement she asked us to open the hood of the car. She studied the inside, adjusted some part and then asked us to start the car. She told us what was wrong and said the car was safe to get to the service station. By no means should we stop the car or else it would stall again.
Mary was an angel in disguise that day. She walked that way every day and literally seemed to come out of nowhere. She came along at the most opportune time and with a good knowledge of mechanics. She had a good rapport with us and enjoyed helping people. You could tell that she was friendly and I’m guessing that she had helped many other people in need. We told her how appreciative we were. Then we drove the short distance to the service station so the car could be repaired.
On the way home we talked about Mary. It was no coincidence that she happened along the street where we were stalled. We truly believe that God had sent her to us and her help was just what we needed. Later, we drove down the same street where we saw Mary. We looked each time we went in that direction but we never saw Mary again. Her Christian attitude and guidance was something we will never forget. God in His wisdom sent us an angel who gave us a blessing. He is always with us and takes care of us. Open your eyes and see if an angel may be watching over you. And when you see that angel, thank God for His care and love. (Psalm 91:11)
Friday, April 13, 2007
Frustration was etched on her face. It had been days since she had felt like doing anything “fun”. She was able to get up without a problem, but when it came to motivating herself to trying to get anything done, she was overwhelmed. The weather was beautiful outside, perfect spring weather. The stark trees were putting forth their buds and branches would soon be covered in a palette of green. The daffodils and tulips were blooming and the dogwoods were covered with buds that would burst forth in either white or pink. Everything was turning green and the colors were coming alive leaving the brown colors of winter behind.
Normally she would be outdoors at the first hint of spring, but this year it was harder. Family problems had taken a toll on her emotions and keeping everything in perspective seemed harder than in the past. It would be a day-by-day challenge to try to turn the depression around so that life would be enjoyable. It was something that only God could help her with.
The doctor had diagnosed the patient with clinical depression. One antidepressant would work and then without any warning it would quit working. At that point it was back to the beginning and starting all over with a new medication. It was like a proverbial roller coaster. Five or six months of feeling great followed by five or six months of being moody and feeling gloomy. It wasn’t until after changing doctors that she actually realized that the diagnosis was only partially correct.
Meeting with the doctor wasn’t as hard as anticipated. After exchanging some medical information the doctor began to unravel the cause of the problem that had gone with her throughout her life. The diagnosis was bipolar disorder and it was caused by an imbalance of chemicals in her brain. This time there was a solid diagnosis and medication that would work to keep the chemicals in the brain at a steady level. Thank God that there was an answer to the questions she had always had. Over a period of several months the depression cleared and life became a new routine that cleared the gloomy moods of the past into happiness and enthusiasm.
Many people think that depression is a sign of weakness and that you can really snap out of the gloomy mood. There is nothing further from the truth. With a diagnosis like bipolar disorder, it is essential that the medication be taken every day and at the same time. What is the risk if you don’t take the medication? At least two people that I have known have had to take an extended stay in the hospital and a period of readjusting to the medication again. In more advanced cases, hallucinations and images torture the mind.
Why? What could affect one individual so profoundly and yet others were able to escape from the struggle? In some cases it is caused by heredity and the balance of chemicals goes further than one generation. In other cases prolonged periods of stress depleted the regular balance of chemicals in the brain. All the busyness of day-to-day living can take a toll on anyone. One of the results of trying to keep up the fast pace of trying to fit everything into one day and not getting plenty of sleep can trigger an imbalance.
So, where does this fit into the Christian viewpoint? Many Christians think that depression and medication are not necessary if you wholly put your life into God’s hands. Others hide in confusion away from friends and have no idea what to do and are afraid to even discuss it with others. Some Christians believe that doctors and medication can help the situation but have to overcome the stigma of going to a psychiatrist or psychologist. And then there are the Christians who bravely take the steps to work through the process and discover a new aspect of their life and learn how to manage the problem.
It seems to me that John 8:32 helps us to gain a better understanding of times that our emotions are clouded. “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Not knowing the truth can cause emotional pain. Having a mind clouded by misunderstanding or a mind that is confused and not able to focus is not what God wants for us. Medication may be the answer but only by searching can you discover whether or not the alternative is right for you. God has agreed to take our burdens on His shoulders and He can lift our spirits. He is the one true friend in our life who can help us through the depression that may be tormenting our mind. He is also available to help us gain victory over the periods when Satan is attacking us. God is the one who can take you through the maze of life and bring us to the truth of His Word. Knowing that Word can keep us out of the chains of bondage that often bring us down. Yes, knowing the truth is the only way to gain peace and understanding.
Normally she would be outdoors at the first hint of spring, but this year it was harder. Family problems had taken a toll on her emotions and keeping everything in perspective seemed harder than in the past. It would be a day-by-day challenge to try to turn the depression around so that life would be enjoyable. It was something that only God could help her with.
The doctor had diagnosed the patient with clinical depression. One antidepressant would work and then without any warning it would quit working. At that point it was back to the beginning and starting all over with a new medication. It was like a proverbial roller coaster. Five or six months of feeling great followed by five or six months of being moody and feeling gloomy. It wasn’t until after changing doctors that she actually realized that the diagnosis was only partially correct.
Meeting with the doctor wasn’t as hard as anticipated. After exchanging some medical information the doctor began to unravel the cause of the problem that had gone with her throughout her life. The diagnosis was bipolar disorder and it was caused by an imbalance of chemicals in her brain. This time there was a solid diagnosis and medication that would work to keep the chemicals in the brain at a steady level. Thank God that there was an answer to the questions she had always had. Over a period of several months the depression cleared and life became a new routine that cleared the gloomy moods of the past into happiness and enthusiasm.
Many people think that depression is a sign of weakness and that you can really snap out of the gloomy mood. There is nothing further from the truth. With a diagnosis like bipolar disorder, it is essential that the medication be taken every day and at the same time. What is the risk if you don’t take the medication? At least two people that I have known have had to take an extended stay in the hospital and a period of readjusting to the medication again. In more advanced cases, hallucinations and images torture the mind.
Why? What could affect one individual so profoundly and yet others were able to escape from the struggle? In some cases it is caused by heredity and the balance of chemicals goes further than one generation. In other cases prolonged periods of stress depleted the regular balance of chemicals in the brain. All the busyness of day-to-day living can take a toll on anyone. One of the results of trying to keep up the fast pace of trying to fit everything into one day and not getting plenty of sleep can trigger an imbalance.
So, where does this fit into the Christian viewpoint? Many Christians think that depression and medication are not necessary if you wholly put your life into God’s hands. Others hide in confusion away from friends and have no idea what to do and are afraid to even discuss it with others. Some Christians believe that doctors and medication can help the situation but have to overcome the stigma of going to a psychiatrist or psychologist. And then there are the Christians who bravely take the steps to work through the process and discover a new aspect of their life and learn how to manage the problem.
It seems to me that John 8:32 helps us to gain a better understanding of times that our emotions are clouded. “And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” Not knowing the truth can cause emotional pain. Having a mind clouded by misunderstanding or a mind that is confused and not able to focus is not what God wants for us. Medication may be the answer but only by searching can you discover whether or not the alternative is right for you. God has agreed to take our burdens on His shoulders and He can lift our spirits. He is the one true friend in our life who can help us through the depression that may be tormenting our mind. He is also available to help us gain victory over the periods when Satan is attacking us. God is the one who can take you through the maze of life and bring us to the truth of His Word. Knowing that Word can keep us out of the chains of bondage that often bring us down. Yes, knowing the truth is the only way to gain peace and understanding.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
6:00 AM. “Time to get up, Mr. Henson! I need to get your blood pressure and heart rate recorded and then the doctor will be in. After that we will take care of personal hygiene.”
The blood pressure was 120/80 and the heart rate was 85. Blood sugar was 80 and vital signs seemed to be exactly where they should be. The oxygen monitor helped to keep a steady flow of air so that the patient could breathe better. The nurse’s aide recorded the information. She left to get prescriptions for her patients and would return shortly.
Dr. Shandel entered the room and checked the chart. Mr. Henson was not the ideal patient and he could be grouchy but since he was 86 years old, most of the staff tried to tolerate him. The patient had been admitted for an infection due to diabetes and he had been having problems keeping his blood sugar under control. He went through periods of depression and even on medication he wasn’t always in the best mood.
The next few minutes went without incident. Medications were taken on schedule and breakfast was delivered. It was time for the morning bath. Most patients could handle this by themselves but Mr. Henson needed help. That morning LeSandra was on duty. She would be handling the bath.
Within a few minutes there was a yell from room. Everyone on the staff came to see what had happened. Mr. Henson was screaming out in anguish and LeSandra was in shock and crying. What should have been a typical morning suddenly took a new twist. The patient’s body was covered with small red patches and the bath water looked a light yellow color. No one had any idea about what happened except for LeSandra.
The interrogation began as the staff tried to unravel the mystery. Finally, the answer came. Mr. Henson had been thoroughly cleaned with a household cleaner. The Mr. Clean had been diluted but it was still strong. The chemicals in Mr. Clean were just too harsh for the human body and the skin over Mr. Henson’s body was already red and irritated. Never in the history of the nursing home had anyone ever done this!
Everyone focused attention on Mr. Henson. LeSandra was taken from the room and would be questioned out of the sight of Mr. Henson. Dr. Shandel was called to help assess the situation. Now, it would take a lot more work to help the patient over another obstacle. For the rest of the day the patient would be monitored. It was critical to keep a watch on the slightly blistered skin.
8:30 PM The halls were quiet and most patients were already in bed. The rest were getting ready for bed. The whole staff had heard the tale about the bath and the effects it had on Mr. Henson. He seemed to be having more problems and the staff had kept a constant watch over him.
11:30 PM Mr. Henson had tolerated the pain for hours and it was excruciating. He was having trouble breathing. He had struggled all day and nothing could give him any relief. The red patches had turned into blisters and at 11:45 PM, Mr. Henson passed away.
No one ever completely figured out exactly why LeSandra had used the Mr. Clean solution. She had never been directed to use anything except for water and soap. The incident made the evening newspaper and when I read the article I couldn’t believe that this had actually happened. Common sense told anyone that this would never work and the reaction could be fatal.
Our lives are unclean when we live in the world without Christ. We struggle with problems and wonder what is missing in our life. Sin dwells within our body. The sin keeps us from Christ and makes us feel dirty. We think we are living a fulfilled life but our mind tells us that something is missing. We don’t know how to fill that void and achieve peace within. If we listen to the voice of Christ and ask Him to come into our heart we are cleansed by His blood and become a new creation under His umbrella of love.
Two songs come to my mind I think of the way that Christ cleans our life. The words to "Whiter Than Snow" express the desire to be a new person in Christ by allowing Him to come into our life. ["Whiter Than Snow"---Lord Jesus I long to be perfectly whole. I want Thee forever to live in my soul, Break down every idol cast out every foe. Now wash me and I shall be white
than snow. ]
The other song that questions our relationship with Christ and the way He reaches into the deep recesses of our heart and soul is “Are You Washed in the Blood?” We come face to face with the sinful nature of our lives. The song repeats a series of questions dealing with our need to be cleaned by God’s precious blood. ["Are You Washed in the Blood?" Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow’r? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood, in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are you garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you
washed in the blood of the Lamb? ]
Cleansing our soul from sin and keeping our lives clean is very much a part of our life in Christ. No person can clean away all the dirty smell of sin. Christ's death on Calvary gave us a chance to live a life washed by His blood. When we accept His gift we are preparing for an eternity where we will dwell with others who have also been cleansed by Christ’s blood. His blood will prepared for us a new life where we can have a spotless body with others who have claimed His saving grace.
**This story is based on an actual event that happened.
The blood pressure was 120/80 and the heart rate was 85. Blood sugar was 80 and vital signs seemed to be exactly where they should be. The oxygen monitor helped to keep a steady flow of air so that the patient could breathe better. The nurse’s aide recorded the information. She left to get prescriptions for her patients and would return shortly.
Dr. Shandel entered the room and checked the chart. Mr. Henson was not the ideal patient and he could be grouchy but since he was 86 years old, most of the staff tried to tolerate him. The patient had been admitted for an infection due to diabetes and he had been having problems keeping his blood sugar under control. He went through periods of depression and even on medication he wasn’t always in the best mood.
The next few minutes went without incident. Medications were taken on schedule and breakfast was delivered. It was time for the morning bath. Most patients could handle this by themselves but Mr. Henson needed help. That morning LeSandra was on duty. She would be handling the bath.
Within a few minutes there was a yell from room. Everyone on the staff came to see what had happened. Mr. Henson was screaming out in anguish and LeSandra was in shock and crying. What should have been a typical morning suddenly took a new twist. The patient’s body was covered with small red patches and the bath water looked a light yellow color. No one had any idea about what happened except for LeSandra.
The interrogation began as the staff tried to unravel the mystery. Finally, the answer came. Mr. Henson had been thoroughly cleaned with a household cleaner. The Mr. Clean had been diluted but it was still strong. The chemicals in Mr. Clean were just too harsh for the human body and the skin over Mr. Henson’s body was already red and irritated. Never in the history of the nursing home had anyone ever done this!
Everyone focused attention on Mr. Henson. LeSandra was taken from the room and would be questioned out of the sight of Mr. Henson. Dr. Shandel was called to help assess the situation. Now, it would take a lot more work to help the patient over another obstacle. For the rest of the day the patient would be monitored. It was critical to keep a watch on the slightly blistered skin.
8:30 PM The halls were quiet and most patients were already in bed. The rest were getting ready for bed. The whole staff had heard the tale about the bath and the effects it had on Mr. Henson. He seemed to be having more problems and the staff had kept a constant watch over him.
11:30 PM Mr. Henson had tolerated the pain for hours and it was excruciating. He was having trouble breathing. He had struggled all day and nothing could give him any relief. The red patches had turned into blisters and at 11:45 PM, Mr. Henson passed away.
No one ever completely figured out exactly why LeSandra had used the Mr. Clean solution. She had never been directed to use anything except for water and soap. The incident made the evening newspaper and when I read the article I couldn’t believe that this had actually happened. Common sense told anyone that this would never work and the reaction could be fatal.
Our lives are unclean when we live in the world without Christ. We struggle with problems and wonder what is missing in our life. Sin dwells within our body. The sin keeps us from Christ and makes us feel dirty. We think we are living a fulfilled life but our mind tells us that something is missing. We don’t know how to fill that void and achieve peace within. If we listen to the voice of Christ and ask Him to come into our heart we are cleansed by His blood and become a new creation under His umbrella of love.
Two songs come to my mind I think of the way that Christ cleans our life. The words to "Whiter Than Snow" express the desire to be a new person in Christ by allowing Him to come into our life. ["Whiter Than Snow"---Lord Jesus I long to be perfectly whole. I want Thee forever to live in my soul, Break down every idol cast out every foe. Now wash me and I shall be white
than snow. ]
The other song that questions our relationship with Christ and the way He reaches into the deep recesses of our heart and soul is “Are You Washed in the Blood?” We come face to face with the sinful nature of our lives. The song repeats a series of questions dealing with our need to be cleaned by God’s precious blood. ["Are You Washed in the Blood?" Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing pow’r? Are you washed in the blood of the lamb? Are you fully trusting in His grace this hour? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb? Are you washed in the blood, in the soul cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are you garments spotless? Are they white as snow? Are you
washed in the blood of the Lamb? ]
Cleansing our soul from sin and keeping our lives clean is very much a part of our life in Christ. No person can clean away all the dirty smell of sin. Christ's death on Calvary gave us a chance to live a life washed by His blood. When we accept His gift we are preparing for an eternity where we will dwell with others who have also been cleansed by Christ’s blood. His blood will prepared for us a new life where we can have a spotless body with others who have claimed His saving grace.
**This story is based on an actual event that happened.
The second floor of the hospital was designed for surgical patients and for Intensive Care and Cardiac Care patients.
“Excuse me. Can you direct me to the Cardiac Care Unit?” the young lady asked the receptionist at the front information desk.
“Upstairs on the second floor, down the hall and go through the double doors. That’s the cardiac wing and your father should be in one of those rooms,” was the reply.
“Thank you so much,” replied the daughter of one of the patients. She looked calm on the outside but the look in those hazel eyes showed concern and uncertainty over exactly what she would discover once she found her father. He had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and over the past two years he had been in and out of the hospital. This time his condition was diagnosed as critical and it was time to accept the fact that his time on earth was nearing to an end.
Walking up the stairs and winding around the corridors to the Cardiac Care Unit seemed to be the longest possible trip she had made. At the end, the handle of the double doors seemed to stare back, daring her to take the final step of the journey and enter. The door opened and just off the hall in the first room to the right was the patient. On an initial glance it appeared that the gentleman was someone else, but on further examination she knew that the patient truly was her father. His light gray hair had turned snowy white and his skin was pale. Breathing tubes, heart monitors and blood pressure machines were keeping a constant hum. An IV was inserted into his arm and his veins were bruised where the needle had been inserted. His eyes looked like tiny slits and were almost closed. His entire face was swollen and he didn’t look much like the father she had once so easily recognized. As he looked up she saw the smile cross his face and it was no time until she was by his side giving him a kiss and hug.
He looked tired in spite of all the medical care but the conversation flowed easily. They talked about what had been going on in the town where she grew up. She listened to the tales of her aunts, uncles, and cousins. She listened just to hear him talk and hear some of the stories that he used to tell at home. The phone conversations had been a way to keep in touch but there was nothing compared to sitting down and having a face-to-face chat.
Life had taken both of them on a different pathway. Her father had lived in the same area for over forty years and worked as a tool and die maker. She had never met his parents but he had helped piece together information on his family so she would not forget. He had served in WW II as Army Air Force mechanic in the states. His life had seemed rather uncomplicated. She had attended college and moved away shortly afterwards. Life had been a series of moves and busy didn’t begin to describe the reality of rearing four boys. Her family was scattered throughout the country and her life seemed very complicated compared to his. But the bond was still there; father and daughter sharing some precious moments together.
This was to be the last time that she would see him. His body was tired and he had been fighting medical problems for over two years. Shortly after she returned to her home, she received the phone call. He had passed. One last trek home for the funeral, then she would have to wait till a greater homecoming to see him again.
The strains of the song “In The Garden” could be heard over the compact disc player. She never knew that her favorite song had been his favorite. The song took on a new meaning and peace came over her as she realized that he was in the most beautiful garden of all. A garden where the flowers bloom and where the master gardener comes to select the most beautiful bouquet of all.
“Excuse me. Can you direct me to the Cardiac Care Unit?” the young lady asked the receptionist at the front information desk.
“Upstairs on the second floor, down the hall and go through the double doors. That’s the cardiac wing and your father should be in one of those rooms,” was the reply.
“Thank you so much,” replied the daughter of one of the patients. She looked calm on the outside but the look in those hazel eyes showed concern and uncertainty over exactly what she would discover once she found her father. He had been diagnosed with congestive heart failure and over the past two years he had been in and out of the hospital. This time his condition was diagnosed as critical and it was time to accept the fact that his time on earth was nearing to an end.
Walking up the stairs and winding around the corridors to the Cardiac Care Unit seemed to be the longest possible trip she had made. At the end, the handle of the double doors seemed to stare back, daring her to take the final step of the journey and enter. The door opened and just off the hall in the first room to the right was the patient. On an initial glance it appeared that the gentleman was someone else, but on further examination she knew that the patient truly was her father. His light gray hair had turned snowy white and his skin was pale. Breathing tubes, heart monitors and blood pressure machines were keeping a constant hum. An IV was inserted into his arm and his veins were bruised where the needle had been inserted. His eyes looked like tiny slits and were almost closed. His entire face was swollen and he didn’t look much like the father she had once so easily recognized. As he looked up she saw the smile cross his face and it was no time until she was by his side giving him a kiss and hug.
He looked tired in spite of all the medical care but the conversation flowed easily. They talked about what had been going on in the town where she grew up. She listened to the tales of her aunts, uncles, and cousins. She listened just to hear him talk and hear some of the stories that he used to tell at home. The phone conversations had been a way to keep in touch but there was nothing compared to sitting down and having a face-to-face chat.
Life had taken both of them on a different pathway. Her father had lived in the same area for over forty years and worked as a tool and die maker. She had never met his parents but he had helped piece together information on his family so she would not forget. He had served in WW II as Army Air Force mechanic in the states. His life had seemed rather uncomplicated. She had attended college and moved away shortly afterwards. Life had been a series of moves and busy didn’t begin to describe the reality of rearing four boys. Her family was scattered throughout the country and her life seemed very complicated compared to his. But the bond was still there; father and daughter sharing some precious moments together.
This was to be the last time that she would see him. His body was tired and he had been fighting medical problems for over two years. Shortly after she returned to her home, she received the phone call. He had passed. One last trek home for the funeral, then she would have to wait till a greater homecoming to see him again.
The strains of the song “In The Garden” could be heard over the compact disc player. She never knew that her favorite song had been his favorite. The song took on a new meaning and peace came over her as she realized that he was in the most beautiful garden of all. A garden where the flowers bloom and where the master gardener comes to select the most beautiful bouquet of all.
father-daughter relationships,
hospital stay
Q. Do you jump into the sinfulness of the world in hopes of them becoming like you? Or do you stay back because you know temptations are too strong and it’s easier to protect your purity?
Dealing with sin in this world is not easy. Jesus was perfect and lived in a sinful world and still kept His testimony. He confronted the rich young ruler who wanted to receive eternal life and told him that he needed to sell his possessions and give to the poor. He gave him a choice and the young man made a decision to NOT follow Jesus’ advice. So, even when Jesus was in the world, he addressed the issue of sin and made others around Him aware of their sinful nature. He challenged the Pharisees on religious doctrine, he cleansed the temple from those people who bought and sold in the temple, and he used the parable of the unjust steward to reveal the sinful nature of man.
Obviously we can’t go into isolation and never be involved in the world around us. On a casual basis we have to “brush shoulders” with others who do not know the Lord. The problem is to try to keep our testimony by keeping our language and actions Christ-like. Emotions play a part in our ability to keep our testimony and stand up for Christ. When you have to be around friends and people who are not Christians, don’t let their kidding and unkind words allow you to get angry. Stand firm in your faith and let them see the real you, the one who is a follower of Christ.
God’s Word addresses the solution to whether or not we should be a part of this world and to what extent. In Proverbs 16:17 we learn that the way a person should live is to depart from evil. The word depart indicates moving away. In I Thessalonians 5:22 we are to “Abstain from every form of evil.” James 1:14 “Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.” As Christians we are encouraged to stay away from evil because our testimony can be too easily compromised and we will be drawn further away from Jesus and His Word. I Corinthians 15:33-34 warns us that we are not to be deceived “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Each of these passages seems to resound with the same theme, stay away from those things that are evil. Don’t be willing to risk your growth as a Christian by getting too close to the things of the world.
The acronym WWJD seems to be a good idea. What would Jesus do? Would Jesus be pleased if He found you in a questionable place? Are you really strong enough to answer questions and avoid temptation? Maybe the first time you can, but what about time and time again. Your resolve weakens and you begin ever so slowly to move away from Christ. What about others who may be Atheists, Muslim or Hindu? Can you really defend your Christian beliefs and answer their questions without getting confused? I feel that my day-to-day testimony is very important in showing others the love of God. If I stay focused, then others will know that living for Christ is really a life-changing situation. By not putting myself in a compromising situation I keep my testimony and can show others Christians can have fun without being involved in worldly things.
I heard a preacher give an example of how sin enters our life and why it is so important to keep our lives protected and pure. If you decided to bake something like a cookie and followed the recipe carefully but added an extra 1/4 tsp. of salt you probably wouldn’t notice it. If the next time you added an extra 3/8 tsp you still may not taste the difference. But if you add an extra 1/2 tsp of salt you would begin to notice the taste. Adding an extra 3/4 tsp salt would surely be noticed and if you added 1 full tsp. it would be unpleasant to taste. The more salt you add to the cookie the more the taste is affected and eventually you would have to throw the cookie away. Sin creeps into our lives just like the little additions of salt to the cookie. We may not notice any change at first but the longer we stay in the sinfulness of the world, the more we weaken our resolve and compromise our real Christian walk with God. Our lives can become just like the “bad” cookie that no longer appeals to our sense of taste.
Being in the world and in non-Christian environments may cause us to refuse to take responsibility for our sin. In our attempt to “jump” into the sinful word we may underestimate our ability to deal with situations. Yes, God lives within our life and gives us the direction we need and He is always there to help us. But being in situations that do not edify Christ, our senses may become dull and we may eventually push the quiet voice of Christ into the back of our mind. We have to know our limitations and I’m afraid that a majority of Christians do not know how to keep the boundary clear and defined. By staying away from things that entice us and keeping worldly things at a distance we can be more like Christ and help our mind to focus on pure thoughts and actions.
Dealing with sin in this world is not easy. Jesus was perfect and lived in a sinful world and still kept His testimony. He confronted the rich young ruler who wanted to receive eternal life and told him that he needed to sell his possessions and give to the poor. He gave him a choice and the young man made a decision to NOT follow Jesus’ advice. So, even when Jesus was in the world, he addressed the issue of sin and made others around Him aware of their sinful nature. He challenged the Pharisees on religious doctrine, he cleansed the temple from those people who bought and sold in the temple, and he used the parable of the unjust steward to reveal the sinful nature of man.
Obviously we can’t go into isolation and never be involved in the world around us. On a casual basis we have to “brush shoulders” with others who do not know the Lord. The problem is to try to keep our testimony by keeping our language and actions Christ-like. Emotions play a part in our ability to keep our testimony and stand up for Christ. When you have to be around friends and people who are not Christians, don’t let their kidding and unkind words allow you to get angry. Stand firm in your faith and let them see the real you, the one who is a follower of Christ.
God’s Word addresses the solution to whether or not we should be a part of this world and to what extent. In Proverbs 16:17 we learn that the way a person should live is to depart from evil. The word depart indicates moving away. In I Thessalonians 5:22 we are to “Abstain from every form of evil.” James 1:14 “Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed.” As Christians we are encouraged to stay away from evil because our testimony can be too easily compromised and we will be drawn further away from Jesus and His Word. I Corinthians 15:33-34 warns us that we are not to be deceived “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Each of these passages seems to resound with the same theme, stay away from those things that are evil. Don’t be willing to risk your growth as a Christian by getting too close to the things of the world.
The acronym WWJD seems to be a good idea. What would Jesus do? Would Jesus be pleased if He found you in a questionable place? Are you really strong enough to answer questions and avoid temptation? Maybe the first time you can, but what about time and time again. Your resolve weakens and you begin ever so slowly to move away from Christ. What about others who may be Atheists, Muslim or Hindu? Can you really defend your Christian beliefs and answer their questions without getting confused? I feel that my day-to-day testimony is very important in showing others the love of God. If I stay focused, then others will know that living for Christ is really a life-changing situation. By not putting myself in a compromising situation I keep my testimony and can show others Christians can have fun without being involved in worldly things.
I heard a preacher give an example of how sin enters our life and why it is so important to keep our lives protected and pure. If you decided to bake something like a cookie and followed the recipe carefully but added an extra 1/4 tsp. of salt you probably wouldn’t notice it. If the next time you added an extra 3/8 tsp you still may not taste the difference. But if you add an extra 1/2 tsp of salt you would begin to notice the taste. Adding an extra 3/4 tsp salt would surely be noticed and if you added 1 full tsp. it would be unpleasant to taste. The more salt you add to the cookie the more the taste is affected and eventually you would have to throw the cookie away. Sin creeps into our lives just like the little additions of salt to the cookie. We may not notice any change at first but the longer we stay in the sinfulness of the world, the more we weaken our resolve and compromise our real Christian walk with God. Our lives can become just like the “bad” cookie that no longer appeals to our sense of taste.
Being in the world and in non-Christian environments may cause us to refuse to take responsibility for our sin. In our attempt to “jump” into the sinful word we may underestimate our ability to deal with situations. Yes, God lives within our life and gives us the direction we need and He is always there to help us. But being in situations that do not edify Christ, our senses may become dull and we may eventually push the quiet voice of Christ into the back of our mind. We have to know our limitations and I’m afraid that a majority of Christians do not know how to keep the boundary clear and defined. By staying away from things that entice us and keeping worldly things at a distance we can be more like Christ and help our mind to focus on pure thoughts and actions.
Monday, April 2, 2007
We were at the corner of Chestnut and Broadway. Waiting in a line of traffic that seemed busy for even a Saturday, we stared across the street and looked at the lady on the corner. She was an elderly person wearing a floral dress and a pink and white hat. She covered her face from the sun by using an umbrella to shade her eyes. But it wasn’t just the fact that she was on the street corner that caught our attention. It was the sign that she carried and her actions. The sign said Allen’s Shoes and a large arrow pointed the direction to the shop. But there was no way to determine which way to go. The elderly lady slowly turned in circles, sometimes going in clockwise pattern and then reversing the direction.
The scene caught the attention of many people who had to stop at the intersection. It seemed comical at first just watching this lady rotate the sign. Then the reality set in that someone was so lost that she had no real sense of direction. How did she manage to get safely through the maze of streets to that particular corner? Had someone simply dropped her off at the corner? Did she have family and if so where were they? It seemed sad that someone was so lost that she had no real sense of direction. Her thinking was clouded and it seemed apparent that she probably had some type of mental problem.
For quite some time when we returned the lady was still at the street corner. And each time she moved around in the same circular pattern with the sign held in her hands. She became the topic of talk and although we never knew what happened, on one visit to the city she was no longer at the street giving directions.
For me, it gave me an insight into our own life and how much we need a focus and sense of direction to help meet our goals. We may make plans for our lives but often those plans are changed along our journey in life. Jeremiah 10:23 “I know O Lord that a man’s life is not his own, it is not for man to direct his steps.” We may think that we can control our life but God has a pathway for us to follow. Proverbs 20:24 “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way?” God’s control of our lives gives precedence over own will.
One of my favorite passages is Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” So many times in my own life I have been certain that I knew exactly what direction I felt was right for me. And time and time again God changes that direction and brought me to a place where I could grow and mature in my Christian life. In many cases I didn’t fully realize what God was trying to accomplish through my own life, but I had to trust Him. That’s the key to living a Christian life; trust Him with your life and He will give you the right direction. There is no real reason to turn around and around haphazardly when He is at the center of our lives.
The scene caught the attention of many people who had to stop at the intersection. It seemed comical at first just watching this lady rotate the sign. Then the reality set in that someone was so lost that she had no real sense of direction. How did she manage to get safely through the maze of streets to that particular corner? Had someone simply dropped her off at the corner? Did she have family and if so where were they? It seemed sad that someone was so lost that she had no real sense of direction. Her thinking was clouded and it seemed apparent that she probably had some type of mental problem.
For quite some time when we returned the lady was still at the street corner. And each time she moved around in the same circular pattern with the sign held in her hands. She became the topic of talk and although we never knew what happened, on one visit to the city she was no longer at the street giving directions.
For me, it gave me an insight into our own life and how much we need a focus and sense of direction to help meet our goals. We may make plans for our lives but often those plans are changed along our journey in life. Jeremiah 10:23 “I know O Lord that a man’s life is not his own, it is not for man to direct his steps.” We may think that we can control our life but God has a pathway for us to follow. Proverbs 20:24 “A man’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand his own way?” God’s control of our lives gives precedence over own will.
One of my favorite passages is Proverbs 3:5-6. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” So many times in my own life I have been certain that I knew exactly what direction I felt was right for me. And time and time again God changes that direction and brought me to a place where I could grow and mature in my Christian life. In many cases I didn’t fully realize what God was trying to accomplish through my own life, but I had to trust Him. That’s the key to living a Christian life; trust Him with your life and He will give you the right direction. There is no real reason to turn around and around haphazardly when He is at the center of our lives.
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